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christian stone

I hear Eddie's voice through the fainted speaker. My angel struggles to pull from my embrace to answer the phone properly, but she has not yet earned it. If anything, she has lost all privilege.

Forcing me to get out, yelling at me...who the hell does she think she is? She spends a few weeks without me and suddenly thinks I am nothing to her.

I am her god. She is my mortal.

The Hades to her Persephone. The Orpheus to her Eurydice. The fire that fuels the soul of all passion that transpires.

Imagine my anger when I hear Eddie's voice reach her. Hearing him call out to her like a ghost in the night drives me mad. It makes my blood go hot, beyond a boil.

"Eddie?" Her breathless voice says his name into the light.

I need to remind her. Remind her why he left her.  Left her to fucking die at the hands and heart of Antares. I watched him leave her once... who knows how many times he tried before I showed up?

Alexandria Black is so naive to the horrors of this world. She fully believes that her precious God can save her if she prays hard enough. She must understand that that is not how the world works and that there are devils out there. Harmful people will do anything to feast on her innocence as a predator does to its prey.

With her still face down on the counter, I run a hand to the back of her head and grip her hair tightly. I pull her head back, a heavy gasp escaping her lips. The noise goes straight to my cock, like a vibration. It causes me to shudder and suddenly her skin goes cold.

"Hang up the phone," I say lowly in her ear.


"Now Alexandria. Do not test my patience." I grip her hair harder. "Or do you need a reminder of what happens when you disobey?"

She spits out, "Go to hell."

I cover her mouth with my other free hand, the one in her hair tightening. "I will not ask again, Alexandria," I growl in her hair. "Hang. Up. The goddamn. Phone."

She whimpers, slowly setting the cell phone on the counter. Her body shakes beneath me, nearly frightened. It turns me on so deviously, almost to the point where I feel predatory.

"Good job listening to me, little angel." I release my grip from her hair and move it to the back of her neck, still covering her mouth.

She's still shaking as if she's doing it out of fear. The fear alone drives me insane... I need to either be inside her or edge her enough to make her just as crazy as me.

Alex bites down on my hand unexpectedly and steps on my foot. The sudden attack forces me to release her as she wiggles out from beneath me. She barely makes it out of the kitchen before I reach for her, but she slips from my grip again.

She messes with the front door knob aggressively, frustration flooding into her face. I give her a five-second headstart being away from me, but the moment that front door opens, I am grabbing her and going through with my mental promise to her.

Poor little girl... watching her fail with the door ignited something within me. A combination of needing to protect her from Capricorn and needing to destroy her myself is tempting.

I see that she's got the door unlocked at last, and as promised when she gets the door opened, I slam it in her face, not allowing her even a glimpse of the outside. Our very own personal Hell. Her back to me makes it more thrilling, and I can feel all of the oxygen in her lungs escape when I lock the door in front of her face.

"You wanna know what happens to little girls that disobey?" I murmur in her ear.

She shakes her head. "Don't touch me."

I chuckle, spinning her around and pinning her to the door. In her eyes, I can see the absolute fear attempting to consume her. I can see the clouds forming and darkening her eyes. It's so fucking tempting to consume her entirely...

You're all she has now, Stone.

"Prove it," I tell her.

She starts to breathe heavily. "H-Huh?"

"Your mouth and your body tell me two very different things. I bet if I reached into your panties, you'd be soaking wet for me." My mouth moves to her neck, breathing heavily and teasing the fabric on her waistline.

Her eyes lock with mine, and while she holds contact her lips part as if to try and speak. "Don't you-"

I can't go easy on her. I wrap a hand around her neck, forcing her to look at me. I watch her eyes dilate in anticipation. "Go on, angel." I urge. "Use your words."

She spits in my face. "Fuck yo-"

I hold her tighter. "Careful how you finish that sentence. You're letting it become a habit."

"I mean it." She can barely form words properly. "I hate you."

I hate you.

"You will not run from me. Ever. You have been mine since the moment I laid eyes on you, and you will belong to me until our bones are dust, and even then, that won't keep me from you." I tell her, my grip tightening. "You can hate me all you want," I add. "But you are bound to me. Body, mind, and soul for eternity."

Her skin flushes a pale blue as her eyes swell up with tears.

It all comes to me at once, like I'm watching myself choke to life out of her from the other side of the room. I carefully pay attention to the details of her body language and realize what it is I'm doing.

I hate you.

My obsession has driven me to the edge of insanity. I feel myself lose any respect I had for myself and for her and realize I hate her too.

I release her and she collapses to the ground, nearly laying on my feet. She holds her own hand to her throat, searching for a breath. Searching for the oxygen she lost... because of me.

I watch her attempt to sit up, eyes full of tears and the color returning to her face. I should feel some kind of remorse or guilt, but none of it comes to me. I don't feel anything except the desire to finish what I started.

A life for a life.

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