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alexandria black

(long chapter.)


three months later


With the summer air turning colder and the tree's color shading orange, a new kind of peace swirled through the Los Angeles air. I found myself a new job at the bar on the other side of town, far away from the Whiskey.

I almost - almost - sent out missing persons for Eddie after I started my new job. There has been no contact with anyone from such a life, and I'm partially grateful. It doesn't hide the fear I feel at night sometimes. The fear that Christian could pick the lock to my new apartment and break in.

I'm only afraid of Christian. Antares doesn't scare me anymore. I have been freed from his deal - my mother's deal. If I ever see Eddie again though, I'm punching him. He doesn't deserve my sympathy... at least not now.

Christian Stone was just a moth against the flame, and I was the ashes that burned from it. We were attracted to the same flame, and now that fire has dimmed out. If there is anything that one should be afraid of in the middle of the night, it should be the shadows that escape from fire.

That is why I am afraid of him. Not of him as a person, but his soul. His shadow looms over mine, even though it's been months since he walked out the door for the last time, setting me free.

So why do I feel incomplete? Why do I feel like someone is still watching me?

I shake my head, looking at my reflection in the mirror. My hair has gotten longer and the ends are curled, a light green sweater matching the green bow in between my fingers.

Breathe in. One. Two. Three.

Breathe out. One. Two. Three.

I'm going on my first date for the first time in months. I don't know if that can be considered a date, seeing as how I never got to know him in the end.

I never even knew him. I only knew his mouth, his dick, and his dangerous eyes. How I even thought about falling for him almost drives me crazy. I can see the nervousness in my eyes, but my heart longs for the excitement.

One of my coworkers, Stella, set me up with her boyfriend's friends. She said they met in college and have been friends since and a double date would be a nice introduction. I just hope she's not leading me into a trap.

My phone ringing from the other side of the room startles me. I secretly hope it's not Stella canceling the double date seeing as I have been a little too excited about it for about two weeks.


"Hey, Alex! I just wanted to let you know that Ryan and I are heading over to the restaurant now!" Stella tells me, the sounds of holiday music in the background.

I chuckle, letting out another breath. "Thanks for letting me know, Stella. I'll see you later!" I reply before hanging up the phone.

I take one last long look in the mirror, making sure that I am presentable enough and that the color is well within my face. The last thing I need is for everyone to assume I haven't been sleeping and that I need therapy.

Which I do need to reconsider, but that's beside the point.

"It's just dinner." I remind myself. "It's not a life-binding contract."

From the outside, the restaurant is beautiful - fairy lights glisten from the front door and stream to the other side of the front patio column. I had to park my car a little bit far away since the foot traffic became too much, especially with the sudden ice on the road. Los Angeles hardly gets snow, especially this early in the autumn/winter season, but nobody said anything about ice.

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