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I woke up before my alarm the next day cause I was doing an assignment so I slept really late.

*knock knock*

I heard someone hitting the door lightly as if checking if I was still asleep,I strolled to the door and opened it but closed it immediately I saw the person, I was still very furious from yesterday...

He opened the door forcefully this time and since my back was against the door that force made me stagger forward and before I could push it back he was already in..

"What do you want!!" I yelled at him as I began to lay my bed.
He then sat on my bed and looked at me apologetically, I shot him a glare afterwards

"I'm s....."  He tried to apologise but I cut him off still glaring at him disdainfully.

"I SAID WHAT DO YOU WANT" I partially screamed loud but not to loud cause we were still in the morning, he then sighed and rubbed his temple, off course you think I'll just accept your apology with open arms....!?

I'm definitely not going to make this easy for you

"Tilda, you know what y...." He rapped but I could sense he was about pushing the blame on me so I cut him short....yet again

"Please leave my room I'm running late to school" I said calmly, but after some moment of silence and he was not  budging i had to shout at him "MATEO!!!"

"WHATS YOUR F***ING PROBLEM MATILDA!!!, CANT YOU SEE I'M TRYING,.......... REALLY TRYING TO MAKE AMENDS HERE!" He yelled on top of his voice, as I just humped, grabbed my towel and headed towards the bathroom as I heard him curse under his breath.

"Suit yourself" I said as I walked past him and hissed loudly; I  was shocked Mateo yelled at me but I didn't show it

🎶Sabi girl no dey too like talk!……🎶

🎶Animals dey in human form………🎶

I was listening to "RUSH" by Ayra Starr whilst looking at the road -kiosk owners sweeping their part and opening up, touts fighting or arguing because of money, conductors calling passengers to board standing by the side of the bus, people (girls) like me hawking water bottles, drinks, biscuits, and so on-……..since the car was pin drop silent except the sound of the car engine and our breathings...

We were stuck in traffic and from a far distance I saw the name of a secondary school boldly written 'FIRM BASE HIGH', Really?...Firm base high!?
          well I saw some people in the                         uniform, long sleeved light blue shirt and minimum flare deep blue{almost black} skirt, and when I looked closely the waist of the skirt looked elastic...... I love their uniform already! They were okay to me, they were not rich or poor just........average.

And at least they seemed happy.

Soon we arrived at my school- The Royalty's International, T•R•I-after about 45 minutes, well its a 'thank goodness' today cause normally we spend up to one hour on the road because of traffic..
I adjusted my skirt and stepped down in other to avoid fraps, I then sighted Angus and his guys talking loudly amongst themselves and laughing loudly, clearly none of them had noticed my presence because they literally worship me like I'm gold...and off course tease me nonstop

Confront him...

My mind advised and against my will I found myself walking over to where he is.

"Or Lover boy's girl is here!!!!!" Wisdom yelled and looked at me with a lopsided grin, I wasn't ready for their talk so I just went straight to the point

How Things Fell ApartWhere stories live. Discover now