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So I decided to put an emoji, I may be putting it now and maybe just maybe you'll know why👀🙃..


Its not like we were ever official to start with......

Always the second option.

Always the ……

A loud bang on my bedroom's door  interrupted my line of thoughts, I was seated on a stool in front of my long mirror and was just staring at myself in my uniform, it was still around 3:30 but I couldn't sleep so I decided to get ready for school

"What's up Tilda, you've not been yourself since our parents came back" Mateo said calmly as he sat on my bed, I hadn't turned back but I could see him through the mirror.

"What are you doing here" I asked still backing him and continued"its barely four am"

"Well I miss my baby sis" he said as he grinned.

I turned fully to face him now and said"by thirty seconds Mat" he didn't like the nickname so he scowled

"Anyways you've not answered my question" he said as he went to my bathroom and opened the door to pick my tooth paste…again

"Do I look like another version of myself" I asked as I turned back to look at myself.

Like a whiplash I remembered what would happen today...

Your uncle is coming on Monday..

Today is Monday, Uncle Donald…ohh Lord!!

" yeah I figured you've not been yourself" I caught Mateo's last statement,I haven't been listening though……cause I've been lost in my own train of thoughts.

Its not like we were ever official to start with......

Youre nothing but a sore loser....

Well unlike Matilda here who we keep begging to read

Hahaha ha ha...

I closed my eyes as I massaged my temple... my head was literally splitting into two right now with this  massive headache... I opened my eyes back and I shrieked and stood up immediately almost falling off, guess who caused that??, MATEO!!!

I screamed at him as i sat on a single couch beside my TV breathing heavily.

Baby girl, so you don't love me again?

Just help me massage it, please?

Promise not to tell anyone baby girl...

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost" Mateo said as he flopped down beside me on the couch

"You were freaking close to me looking like the devils PA!!" I yelled with my breathing ragged as I tried not to think about that he's gone and he's gone forever...never coming back even

"Oh common!" He shrugged and suddenly stood up, “i need to make a call, see you later today, take care of yourself” he said as he bent down and pecked my forehead I muttered 'ewwww' and cleaned that spot while he only laughed..

Uncle Donald I'm... I'm having bath you can't come in.

Not now please, not now

So you don't love me anymore huhn?, I can easily tell your parents what you do...

How Things Fell ApartWhere stories live. Discover now