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Davida's Pictureeeeee!😘 [in the media😉]

I hope you guys pay serious attention to the emoji up there cause they depict what you're to expect  in the chapter, and oh! This chapter *sighs and looks away whilst shaking head*🤐😪.

PS: a little triggering scene ahead!🏃😓

                            )❤, enjoy!


“so youre saying you might be a twin, huhn” Mateo asked for the umpteenth time whilst shuffling his gaze from Vida to me.

“ughh!, Yes dumbass that's exactly what she's driving at ” I said as I rolled my eyes and looked at Vida who was drumming with her fingers on her phone's screen.

I was suddenly craving for cereals and lots of sugar.

Cramps!, Periods!!

Oh sigh!

“ I'll be right back” i said hurriedly as I rushed the stairs and went straight to the kitchen, it was then I realised we were not the only ones at home and our parents had travelled.

......with heart thumping heavily I quickly grabbed snacks and while bending down to take it i felt another presence behind me, the person hugged me from behind and leaned completely into me till I felt something poking me from behind…
“missed you soo freaking much”he whispered as i panicked and was about screaming when he smacked my butt.

“don't act like the victim, I know you wore this cloth for me” he said as he gestured to my black leather short skirt that rested tightly on my thighs wayyy above my knee and my pink crop sweater, that had really looong hands, and I widened my eyes as all the snacks fell, with fear gripping me I still summoned courage to yank his hands off me.

“Dont you dare!!” I growled lowly as i shot daggers at the mentally deranged psychopath grinning at me.

“you look even more hot when youre angry” he said smiling at me and sipping from his glass of whiskey.

“just leave me al-” I tried to say but he interrupted me whilst licking his lips.

“if you ask me” he started whilst moving closer to me and raking his fingers on my hips over my trembling body “it turns me on, mi amor” he said and dragged me roughly to him from my back “but do not forget that YOU ARE MINE”he said lowly as he cupped one of my butt and used his tongue to trail a line from my neck to my earlobe.... an act that sent cold chills down my spine.

“Tilda hope you're not stealing my favourite choco-” Mateo said but trailed off with eyes bulging from their sockets “what the actual FUCK!!?” he yelled as he looked confused as ever.


“i can't believe you've been going through all this since like forever...” Vida said, as she wiped a tear angrily from her face whilst hugging me almost hesitantly.

Mateo just grabbed a chunk of his hair and slammed his fist into the wall…… again

“Mateo stop...stop beating yourself up for this” I said softly..

But he just looked at me as if he's seeing me for the first time and whispered “if only i paid attention to you more” as he kept chanting it like a mantra.

Mide, its not what it looks like…i..i can ex..explain’ the monster said as he called Mat.- who was standing there looking like he saw a ghost -by his middle name.

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