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This is soooo easy!, so I'm not going to write the person's POV but I want y'all to guess at the end!!!🙈😊,  its not hard at all I'm sure after two lines you'll have figured it out……i'm so happy I'm finally getting into 👩 head
It may be a she, he, they or.........👯



That's what has been showing for the past fifty something minutes since I asked him that question, and i know he's seen it cause it already had two blue ticks........

My love……I'll be good😉✌

No, this is...this can't be what he's been typing for  almost an hour!

My love……I'll be good!!!!!!!!!?

I sighed and video called him and immediately his face popped up butterflies automatically erupted in my belly, one would think after a year all these things would have toned down at least a bit but no it only got wor....

It was a deep laughter that brought me back to the present…his shoulders were quaking as he threw his head back

"So its me youre laughing at like that baah" I asked as I pouted and looked away I then turned off my video and kept on ogling at his face and damn I felt like running my hands through his full natural hair that was left all over the place.

"No, I'm sorry…my love" he added as his brows furrowed and he looked like he was about to cry, it was my turn to laugh and whilst laughing I remembered why I called

"Cutie pie please turn on your video naa" he cooed and after a while of silence he slumped further on his bed
It was then i decided  to grace him with my presence.

His face lit up immediately and I smirked as I devised a plan I knew would work...

"Papito…" I dragged and continued "what are you hiding from me nowwww, we promised no secrets and I even told you about my sleep walking stuff, do you know how embarrassing that was to say, even that time that I forgot to brush my teeth and ...." I rapped on and on hoping he'll finally give in, but he just sighed tiredly and ran his hands through his full brown hair.

"Babeee" he also dragged as his eyes fluttered closed "I actually Dont know how to say this but....." he said as his eyes opened and I could see a lot of emotions hidden there but I couldn't pick it specifically"gus'relllssspsithtilda was a bet" he finally said but that was honestly what I heard…the only thing I heard was 'was a bet'

"Say what now?" I had to ask, my voice showing my frustration

He closed his eyes tightly and squeezed his mouth as if he was being forced to swallow a bitter pill.

What's this??

"So err.."he rubbed his eyes furiously and I suddenly got more scared than I was afraid, I started to loose my patience bit by bit.

"I should have umm told you earlier but, Angus never really loved Matilda.. he just had a one time crush on her but that was it... He told only me after we sorta placed a bet on him and Matilda's  relationship to work "

Say what nowww!!?

"Since when has these been going on" I just had to ask....

"The relationship was based on the bet entirely"


The relationship was based on the bet entirely…

I was dumbfounded to say the least, it…it can't possibly be

"Are you……are you saying that since SS1, Angus has...has b..been deceiving Matilda" I asked and he shook his head.

I  scoffed out a laugh and cut the call.

I don't even know what to feel right now...

He had slipped once before but I didn't really pay attention to him, but now....

You look stupid in this dress

Is this a rag or a cloth?

So you're telling me your parents have only two cars? *laughs*

She's always been like that so.... I don't even know what to say.

I'm sorry i should have told you earlier,
Please just don't tell her yet😔❤



Sooo... I guess you guys would have found out!? Right....😪👀

Well if you haven't its for the best!, it makes the  story more interesting😉

Pls colour that little star button orange by tapping on it....

Love you loads!!!💜✌

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