s1e4 | brimming glass of spiders

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spider queen debut episode! she's definitely a really cool character so i can't wait to start writing her in the story!!

feel free to send me a message whenever! i'm always happy to talk with people :]

6 more episodes to go and then we reach the end of season 1!! honestly it feels like its going by so quickly lmaoo

enjoy the chapter and leave a comment if you enjoyed!

further authors notes will be at the end of the chapter like always!!


"Now THIS is a beautiful carrot! Couple more finds like this baby and we're golden!" Pigsy raised up another carrot in his hand, with you and Tang standing on the sidelines.

"Looks the same as the last 20,000 carrots we've looked at," Tang rolled his eyes.

"Tang, you're the one who dragged me with you after complaining you didn't want to go alone with Pigsy," You crossed your arms. "And you said you WOULDN'T complain if I went."

"..Yes?" Tang looked to the side.

"And what are you doing right now?" you deadpanned.

Tang sweatdropped at the confrontation, but Pigsy quickly butted in before tensions could raise even higher. "Quiet, you two! I wouldn't expect either of you to appreciate a fine carrot like this. You ain't no culinary genius, like me."

Your boss chuckled as you let out a sigh. Your legs were pretty tired from the long walking this trip had caused. How long had you three even been here? You weren't keeping track of time, but it had to have been a couple of hours.

The sound of a woman's chuckle snapped the trio's attention towards a stand at the market. It was definitely run down, with tears in the cloth above. Along with the darkness of the whole stand, the entire thing screamed suspicious.

"My, my, my! You three are making quite a scene!" the woman smirked as she stepped out from the shadows, revealing a purple skinned woman with long black hair and green eyes. "Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? You've come to the right place!"

The woman blew a kiss towards Tang, who took a step back in surprise.

"Yeah, no, I don't think we should take another step towards... and Pigsy's already over there, isn't he?" you let out a sigh of annoyance, seeing your boss had already rushed over to the stand.

You and Tang quickly dashed over to the small pig, who was nervously attempting to impress the mysterious woman. " Y-you are selling beautiful vegetables today?"

Taking a peek around the stand, the 'ingredients' in the small crates looked old and quite moldy. This woman clearly hadn't bothered to buy new ones.

"..Are you blind?" Tang raised an eyebrow towards Pigsy.

"That's right sugar," the woman nodded, before beginning to back away from the counter and towards the darkness. "This is the finest store in the whole market, so why don't come around back and look at my exclusive wears?"

"Pigsy, Tang, we are leaving. Right now." you began to step backwards, but the desperate pleas of your boss halted you in your tracks.

"Don't wreck this for me, (Name)! I need this!" Pigsy begged as you rolled your eyes, but deep down you knew Pigsy was your boss. You kind of had to listen to him so you wouldn't get fired, so with an annoyed sigh, you allowed Pigsy to go into the stand.

Tang slowly followed after the pig nervously, while you stayed in the back with your eyes glancing all over the dark stall, just waiting for something bad to happen.

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