forty-one | new love

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Things seemed to be back to normal (well, somewhat normal). While Chandler and Zara were slowly planning on exploring being back together again, they were still conscious of Joey's feelings, and they didn't want to repeat mistakes and leave him struggling.

But they were all friends again and that meant everything to Zara. After returning to the apartment, Zara had spoken to Joey, asking him if he was sure.

"Yeah," Joey had said. "If I can't be with you, then all I need is you as my friend, and that's enough for me."

That had caused Zara's heart to hurt, but she had hugged Joey in the belief that things really had worked out for the best. Maybe, in another life, it would have been Joey, but Zara had Chandler, and that was like having rain after an endless drought.

Now, though, they were being led out of the coffee house with their eyes closed as Phoebe and Monica had something to show them.

"Come on, no peeking," Monica told them.

"Our eyes are closed and we're about to cross the street," said Chandler. "Very good."

They came to the edge of the curb with Zara starting to wonder if they were being led to their deaths.

"Okay," Phoebe said. "Open up!"

Zara opened her eyes to see a dark van behind them that had a woman with a large sword riding a dragon in the moonlight. It was far from what Zara had been expecting.

"What do you want to show us?" Ross questioned. "Because all I can see is this bitchin' van!"

"Yeah," Phoebe replied. "It's for our catering business."

"Oh," they all said, realising.

"Oh, I think I know that girl," Joey said.

"All right, um," Monica moved on from that. "We're not going to really keep it this way, though."

"That's a shame," Zara said. "I like it."

"Which part?" Chandler asked.

Zara grinned, knowing where his mind was thinking. "The dragon."

"We're going to paint over the sword," Phoebe explained. "And replace it with a baguette. Um, also, we don't know what to do with this."

As she flicked a switch, the woman's nipples started to flash red.

"Oh, yeah," Joey realised. "I definitely know her."

That caused the group to look at him in wonder as to where Joey's mind was at.

At the news of Monica becoming a food critic, they were all excited at the opportunity to get free food. Everyone but Chandler was over, including Toby, who was starting to join them even more now as he fit in with the group all too well.

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