Chapter 12

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A short power nap later and I am ready to bounce out of here. I could hear Sean's voice accompanied by a couple of other voices downstairs. Kids. Probably one of his brothers' children came over.

I considered showering but thought against it, and instead dressed back into my work attire. I can't risk showering here when I'm pretty sure that he doesn't have the products that I use. And my skincare needs to be done right after my shower so I don't want to tweak it in the fear of it having a bad or reverse effect on my skin.

How do I leave this place without interacting with his family? He and I are early into this sexual agreement stuff but Im certain that meeting family isn't a part of it. This instance would've gotten me pissed at myself for even coming here in the first place but I got a good orgasm out of it so I'll be quiet.

We will definitely be discussing how this thing will it work and where it'll be done. I don't want him coming over to my place, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for good orgasms in return. We could maybe go to hotels if his family has a habit of just popping into his place whenever they feel like it.

Once done dressing, I look for a mirror to make sure I look decent. Our earlier activities hindered me from getting a good look at Sean's bedroom.

There's a white and blue theme going on and I like it because it makes the place feel bigger and airy. Less stuffed. The king-sized bed with messed up blue and white sheets faces the huge flat screen tv that's been mounted into the wall.

There's a seating area at the far end of the room by the windows where there's a sliding door that probably leads out to a balcony. I don't go closer to inspect it.

Since I'm giving myself a tour and on the hunt for a mirror, I open the door that Sean had gone into to shower earlier on. The ensuite. I see the closet on the left side from the door and I'm absolutely gobsmacked.

There's a floor-to-ceiling mirror in the middle of the wall at the end of his closet with shoes on the shelves on either side of it. Built-in wardrobes face each other with color-coordinated suits hung on black hangers, and casual clothes folded and put away on the shelves.

A small rectangular island is in the middle of the closet with little drawers in it. I don't go any deeper or touch anything in his closet. His vanilla and smoked wood scent softly lingers in the air and like everything Sean, it turns me on a little bit-okay, maybe a lot bit. But we certainly aren't doing anything with kids being here so I cool my tits.

On the right-hand side is an identical closet but it's empty, so I'm guessing this is a sort of his and hers closet.

I continue down the little hallway, I don't open any of the little doors and make my way into the bathroom. The bathroom, just like everything else, steals my breath.

Just like the closets, the his and hers sinks are on opposite sides and are facing each other. There's a toilet, shower, and huge tub with jets. All out in the open, besides maybe the shower but the doors are glass so it doesn't count. His vanilla aftershave is very pungent here and the urge to stay here and inhale it is what makes me turn around, and back to the closets.

I check myself in the mirror. My clothes aren't creased so that's a plus. Hair's a bit disheveled but I'll live.

The ensuite door clicks shut behind me and I make the bed before grabbing my heels in my hand and slipping out of his room. I leave the door open just a bit because I don't know if it'll make noise if I shut it.

Thank goodness the floor is marble, I silently tiptoe to the stairs and the voices get louder.

I'm just at the last step when I hear a male voice, "Alright. I'll see guys later on at home." Followed by a chorus of bye dad and bye bye daddy along with the click-clacking of what's probably oxfords against the marble floor.

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