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The summer was coming to a close and there had been no news aside from more attacks on Muggles and that Voldemort was going to be closing in soon, going to attack and it wouldn't be pretty.

But Aurora refused to see anyone. She stayed in that room, she herself, collecting dust. Until a knock came to her door, she waited to hear the feet walk away. But then there was a loud crack, and inside her room stood Kreacher the house elf, his eyes looking at her with disgust.

"Master Sirius wants this room cleaned, Miss Aurora." Kreacher's bull-frog like voice spoke at her, as though she was nothing more than piece of trash that needed to be removed.

"I'm not leaving this room," She slurred as she took another sip from a bottle of vodka that was on her nightstand. "You d-don't get it, K-Kreacher."

"Master Sirius also wants Miss Aurora to take a shower and meet Master Sirius for dinner. Kreacher made-"

"I don't fucking care what Kreacher made! I'll take the damn shower but I am NOT going to join Sirius for dinner!" She grabbed her clothes and stormed off to take a shower, bringing the bottle of vodka with her.

As Aurora stood in the bathroom after her shower, she looked at herself in the mirror. Completely nude and the person looking back at her, she had no idea who that was anymore. Her bones showing through her skin on her ribs and her hips. Her face sunk in and her eyes carried dark bags.

But as she looked back at her hips, she noticed her stomach. The stretch marks and scars that still sat there from when she was nearly a mother. Until it was stolen from her. She tried to no longer live in those awful memories. Those horrid feelings of it being stripped away from her.

The way her body had been shaking for hours after she had awakened after being knocked out for an entire day after losing her daughter. Each scar was a reminder of that night and all the nights before.

Although she hardly remembered that night. It was a blur, but what haunted her most was the look on Draco's face when she had opened her eyes. His eyes, red and puffy, face pale and the smile that normally rested on his lips, was gone. His lips instead quivered, holding back tears as he broke the news to her.

The news that their daughter, was killed. That she herself, nearly died. She had only taken a few weeks to fall into a bit of a slum, but that slum had only been due to her loss of Draco. Losing the Draco she had known and loved, the one who was strong and loved her and supported her. He was frail and breaking. She had to hold it together for him, but all that time being strong, all those days of cleaning up his sick, holding his head while he was drunk, she bottled them up. It was her time now.

Her long dark hair, wet, and stuck to her back, she brushed through it and fought tangle after tangle until her face was fully soaked again, this time from tears rather than the shower. She dressed herself in one of Draco's shirts and a pair of sleep shorts. She kicked on her slippers and made her way down the stairs, sitting across from Sirius at the dinner table. Silent.

Even her eyes refused to look at Sirius. After seeing what he and everyone else saw when they looked at her, she was embarrassed. Disgusted with herself, even. Kreacher placed a plate in front of her, on it was roasted garlic chicken with a side of green beans and roasted potatoes. She stirred the food around the plate, taking little bites, but each bite felt like a chore. As though any bite now could make her vomit, even though she had nothing in her system but alcohol to throw up.

"I'm going to be leaving here for a few days," Sirius broke the silence. "I figured you should know, although I'm sure you'll enjoy being alone. Really alone."

THE SECRETS OF THE MANOR (Draco Malfoy x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now