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"We need to stop interfering!"

A man hisses as I regain a bit of consciousness, my heavy eyelids trying to open, but it seems almost impossible.

"They keep finding each other, no matter how many times we help wipe them clean"

Another voices stresses, and I try to make sense of their conversation, but nothing adds up. I try to move my head, but it feels as if I have a cinderblock in my skull.

"Isn't that the whole point?! Look we haven't heard anything from the big guys, so that must mean we're doing something right. If we keep this up our luck just might run out, we need to let the experiment take it's own course"

The first voice sighs, and I manage to get a blurred glimpse of a familiar white coat.

"Yeah, your probably right"

"I usually always am" he breaths in and out deeply, "We can't mess this up, it's not like we have any others we can experiment on. A pair like this comes once in a blue moon, you know that General"

General? What the fuck is going on?

"Your right Doc" the general pauses, "Alright, just – restart them – or whatever the hell you guys do and then lets see where it goes from there"

The General commands and I hear the heightened sound of his heavy footsteps fade out of the room.

"Yes sir" Doc mocks, after the sound of the Generals footsteps can no longer be heard.

The sound of the Doc shuffling over me begins to sound less and less heightened and I can now feel cold surface of the table I am laid on as the rest of my body begins to wake up.

Finally able to turn my head, I can almost make out the man in the white coat who I have come to know as Doc in the last few minutes.

"Hey" his voice still sounds a little odd, "You always wake up first" he almost sounds amused before I blink and he covers my mouth with an oxygen mask.

I try feebly to take his hands away but i'm still too weak, and then it goes dark again.

"I'm sorry kid – like I said it's just business"



Hogan's voice tugs me out of my slumber, as I force my heavy lids to open before rubbing a hand to my neck.

"We're here" he stretches his arm back to help me shake off this forsaken drowsiness. God why do I feel like i've been drugged?

"Right – here? Where?" I straighten my tie and try to pull some of the wrinkles from my suit as I look out the window. And then I remember – Violeta.

"Oh right" I clear my throat and run a hand through my unruly hair, "You can just drop me here Hogan, go drive around the block or something" I instruct.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do" he chuckles, and I glare at him playfully.

"It is your job – or would you like a promotion? Perhaps you can drive Belinda around?" I cock a brow at him, breaking into fits of laughter at his expression.

"You call that a promotion?" he scoffs.

"Hey – that's me wife" I mock and he laughs before he pulls over by the corner and I climb out.

"If you get bored you can head on home – i'll find my own way back" I grin, closing the door on his protests before rushing off and towards the alley.

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