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I scavenged through enough of my chump change to get us one night at the motel. Which according to Niall is more than enough, since we'll have to be on the move by first light. The only down fault - we'll have to share the bed.

But I don't even have the luxury of time to stop and dwell on the idea. I'm still trying to figure out how I got myself into this mess. Why was I a target? I keep telling myself it has something to do with Niall, maybe he was into some shady business, but the more I think about it the less convinced I seem to be.

I stare at the palm of my hand as I sit at the edge of the bed in our room while Niall is in the bathroom. A sense of nostalgia washes over me as I replay the way Niall's fingers brushed against my palm. For some reason, in this oddly unfortunate turn of events, it makes me... happy?


I cup my hands together splashing water from the faucet on my face. My eyes fixating themselves on the palms of my hand, as the flash of some kind of memory reemerges. It comes with a flood of familiar sounds that I swear I have never heard before. The most distinct, is the sound of a faint laughter that seems to warm me from the inside out.

The more I focus on it, the louder it becomes, sending me stumbling backward and into the towel rack.

"Shit" I still waiting to see if Violet has noticed, but it seems she hasn't.

The white noise stops, I blink several times to clear my vision of the images that are coming to me in unclear fragments. The only ones that make sense to me, are those from my dreams. When my vision finally clears I stare at myself in the mirror and begin to wonder, could I have been right about my dreams being some sort of memories?

If it is, how long have I been subjected to these experiments, those men were speaking of?

The thought sends chills down my spine, "Why me? Why us?" I ask myself, knowing well off I don't have the answers to my own questions but I intend to find out.

I throw the towel over my shoulder as I come out of the bathroom and notice Violet staring at her hands. I stop and observe finding it both odd and endearing that I was just doing the same thing.

I lean up against the door frame and watch her for a few more seconds, finally coming to realize that I don't need to know why I wanted to be so close to her, I just know that I do and for now that's enough for me. I just wish it could have happened under different circumstances.

Maybe it did, and you just don't remember... My subconscious berates. And although it's creepy as hell, it's also something i'm hoping for, to find out the truth about me and Violet as a pair. And why we were chosen for this sick game.

"Hogan should be here any second," I finally break the silence, forcing the headache inducing thoughts to the back of my mind.

Violet's expression is distant and I know I've interrupted some deep thought as I take a seat beside her. She returns to staring at her palm.

"Stupid question, but are you alright?"

"How do I say.. I want to laugh, cry, scream and bash my hand through a wall with just one word?" she bites, her eyes an icy blue color.

"You don't need to, I get the picture," I sigh, taking that as my cue to sit as far from her as possible.

"I'm sorry.. it's been a long day. I just need some sleep."She replies after several minutes, before crawling further onto the bed and draping the blanket over herself.


Niall doesn't say anything, and for that i'm thankful. I should be screaming, pacing, and asking a thousand and one questions, but I know I won't get any answers. Nothing concrete at least, so for now I think my reaction is justified. For now, i'll allow myself to trust Mr. Big Bucks and hope it doesn't end up biting me in the ass.

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