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My mascara has dried to my cheeks and my heart has not stopped pounding for even an instant. One moment i'm at home just barely getting home from work and the next, there's a knock at my door and i'm being handcuffed and pushed into a sleek black vehicle.

My eyes keep shifting back and forth between Niall's unconscious body beside me and the predator like eyes in the rearview mirror. Why have they come after me? ... After us?

The only logical reason I can come up with is, that maybe Niall wasn't as much of a saint as he had made himself out to be. He could be doing some illegal trading or dealing or who knows what under the table. And now i've been sucked into it. Maybe this is what my gut was trying to warn me about. God I was stupid enough to think I needed to figure big bucks out, when I should have ran for the hills the second he brought up alien abductions. I mean really!

"Where are you taking us?" I ask to steer my panic inducing thoughts elsewhere, but as I observe the passing scenery I know we're headed for La Guardia Airport.

"I'm afraid that's confidential" the man in the glasses replies.

"So your taking us both against our will with no justification other than the crap cereal box badges you seem to be throwing in our faces" I hiss, unwanted tears cause the make up smeared around my eyes to seep into my tear ducts and burns my corneas.

"Watch it" The man in the glasses warns, his jaw tensed and eyes wild before the two share a look and focusing their eyes back on the light traffic ahead. Assholes.. I think to myself as I lean back in the back seat in resignation.



The word echoes as I regain consciousness and jolt up, unintentionally banging my head against the window.

"Fuck" I groan as I pull at the cuffs that bind me. My vision slowly clears and I find Violet sitting beside me. Her head tilted back, her face covered in make up and a permanent crease between her brows.

"Well look who's finally up" the man behind the wheel taunts, and I offer him a menacing glare as I get a hold of my bearings.

I catch her questioning stare, and the air between us carries her unspoken thoughts. I know she blames me, with one look alone.

I sigh and choose to let her settle, before I actually direct a word at her. Especially when I find out a way for us to escape. My eyes wander around the vehicle, casually scanning my surroundings in search for any weak spots.

The carpet flooring of the car beneath my feet has eroded enough to see the bare metal of the vehicle. I can almost feel the tarmac under the soles of my shoes. And I quickly contemplate trying to shove my foot through the rusted barrier, but I realize stopped or not, Violet and I won't be able to fit and successfully make it out from the bottom of this sedan.

I continue to inspect the vehicle, but nothing else stands out to me. And I know it's a long shot but I try for the door handle - it's locked of course.

I sigh in resignation, as the only idea that occurs to me now is, making a break for it when we get out of the car. Once the idea has made itself a sure plan, I slowly turn to look at the beauty that is Violet. She catches me staring and rolls her eyes, turning away from me. I sigh heavily through an emerging headache.

"Violet please .." I beg to myself.

If I can't get her to work with me on this, then there's no chance of getting away.


"Violet please.."

His voice barely a whisper reaches my ears, and I turn to look at him, but his eyes are closed as he leans back in his seat. Did he really say that or am I just hearing things?

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