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I jolt upright in bed, my body soaked in sweat.

It was the same dream – except it was different – this time she wasn't taken away from me, we both were. Then I was naked, at least from the waist up, and so was she. God the idea of it alone makes my skin crawl and my blood run cold, and I still don't even know who she is.

What do these dreams even mean? I mean, it's as if i'm reliving events in the form of dreams that I have no recollection of and of which make absolutely no sense. The strangest part is, they feel so bloody real..

I sigh heavily and crawl out of bed, looking around the room I remember I spent the night here at the apartment. After leaving Bel a quick text that i'd be at the office all night to get ready for some meeting on Monday.

It's only Saturday, and I should be heading back home to my wife instead of sitting in this vast apartment all to myself. But the fact of the matter is, I don't want to, as fucked up as it sounds, it doesn't feel any better to admit either.

I can't stop thinking about last night, I have the right mind to sit around and wait for tonight so I can go see Violet at the club, but that'd be pushing the limits. She already thinks i'm some creepy obsessed fanboy.

No, what I need is to head over to the office and see if there really is something I need to get done for Monday. You can never go wrong with busy work, and right now I need lots of it if i'm going to try and ignore my problems.


I stare at myself in the mirror as I adjust my tie thinking just how many mornings I go through this same routine. It never feels right, like it's not what i'm supposed to be doing, for the past few years i've felt like life is so unfulfilling, almost as if something is missing.

I always thought it was my mediocre marriage but i'm convinced it's so much more than that.

The only excitement I have to look forward to now, is Friday nights with Violet, and even then she wants to keep things strictly business, when I don't. Of course i'll never admit this to her, the truth is I just want to get to know her, to see if I can uncover what it is about her that draws me to her. It's not just physical, I know it might seem that way, but there is so much more to her than looks. And it's something that's driving me completely mad. Since the moment she looked into my eyes, something just clicked, something completely out of my control.

The mere thought of her makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. Reliving last nights events, I can't get the vibe of her passion for her dance out of my system, it's so fucking contagious, God when she climbed on top of me and practically chained my hands to the couch – I nearly died. I give her credit for it because now that I think about it, I was so focused on her exhilarating performance that I completely forgot I even had hands. Her no touching rule – as i'm sure is actually regulations for her job – makes it all the more exciting. And frustrating...

I try and force the memories of last night away, before they drive me to do something ridiculously impulsive. Taking the liberty of actually driving myself to the office today, I hop in my Range Rover for a joy ride.

It took a lot to convince Hogan to let me get behind the wheel of my own car – despite him being a little disappointed in me over last night– he ended up following me to the office anyway. I've had it parked in a private garage for months since i've got it, and it's cost me a shit ton of money just to make sure its maintained and secured everyday, might as well get a run for my money and let the car get some sun.

After pulling into the building parking lot, I took the elevator and ascended our hundred story building to the 67th floor. It would have been too much of a cliché to have our offices on the top floor. Plus I don't think any of the staff could manage looking out the window and not losing their lunch.

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