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There wasn't much left to say, we knew this wasn't a figment of our imaginations anymore. Vi and I went over every instance where our memories and actions didn't add up. All of which seemed to have started the moment we met. From the club to my apartment, and the last night she woke up in my bed.

Vi's finally open to accepting what's right before her eyes without so much opposition anymore. She's finally realized that this isn't some twisted dream we were made to believe it was.

But what does it all mean? All these dreams and nightmares? And why was I cursed with the traumatizing renditions of my past, while Violet is subjected to the happier more appealing memories? Could whoever is behind this be so heartless as to torture us in these equally different but also equally painful ways?

Violet has admitted as much, though her dream-like memories evoke happiness and peace, it brings her much pain to yearn for such things.

It's clear to us both now, that our lives were intertwined before we met, but in what circumstances? Were we friends? For some reason, my gut is telling me that's not it.

So then, we must have been lovers. Which explains the desperation to be around her so often. That welcoming gut wrenching feeling that revitalized the steady, almost unwavering dormant beat of my heart. Yet I wonder if she feels the same...

Her memories of the brass key, it proves our connection in some shape or form, yet it makes me wonder, just how Violet feels about it. Does the idea please her? Despite the circumstances, I hope it does. 

Whatever the case, the search for our true memories is on, and with Violet's new found cooperation we intend to find answers. Starting with the woman in Tampa, the only person so far who has remotely experienced the same situation we're in.

The journey seemed endless, but we finally reached the city limit. 

"Welcome to Tampa"

Violet and I said at once, the overstep brought a momentary jolt of joy into our day as we drove through to South Tampa. Slowing into the parking lot of a day diner that had all the comfort foods we could ever need.

After brunch we continued our journey to unravel the mess we've gotten outselves into. As I sat behind the wheel and the open road ahead I tried to connect the dots between my night terrors and the key I have in my possession to the very same key Violet seemed to have dreamt of.

I try to focus all my thoughts around it and where it originated from but all I get are choppy memories that don't seem to add up. The last thing I remember is finding the key in the pocket of jeans after Belinda and I moved in together during the first year of our relationship.

For some inexplicable reason, I couldn't rid myself of the damn brass key. I had no idea what it meant or where it came from but I just knew I couldn't let it go. I began carrying it with me everywhere I went and when I almost lost it on my way to work one day I felt like a part of me was missing-so I hooked it on the ring of keys I find the most important.

"I wonder what it opens..."

"What?" I ask Violet after breaking the silence.

"The key" she sighs.

"Me too" I almost whisper and then I get a curious idea to pry.

"Why do you think I gave it to you?" I ask after the silence began to stretch between us again.

Violet allows the silence to stretch a little longer before finally saying, "I don't know... it just... makes sense - logically" she shrugs and then goes on to explain that it makes sense because I have the exact key and why would I have it if I didn't give it to her.

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