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I stand in the middle of the kitchen under the scrutinization of expectant stares. With no idea what the hell was going on, all I wished to do was get the hell out of here. I had enough on my plate with what happened last night, I didn't need Niall and his crazy antics to add to it. I know I shouldn't have come last night, but that need to uncover what it is between Niall and I - it burns fiercely over taking any and all rational sense.

"All I remember was Hogan coming to get me at the club, to bring me back to your drunken mess of a man, and then we.. I danced.. and I blacked out" I rant, my cheeks flaming red from embarrassment. I wish I knew why I passed out, but I also wish I didn't have to keep reliving it.

"But that's not what I-" Hogan begins.

"This is all going to sound crazy" Niall interjects, "But last night.. when Violet lost consciousness.. so did I.."

What? That's bizarre..

"Because you were heavily intoxicated" Hogan yells over us in frustration.

"No it's not!" Niall bellows, and he nearly collapses on the spot, and for some reason I'm the first one to come to his aid an lead him toward the living room couch.

Hogan and I take a seat beside him, I can tell Hogan is curious to uncover what the hell is going on, but he's struggling under the certainty of how he believes things went last night.

"Are you alright?" I ask the seemingly insane man beside me, and he nods slowly. His eyes sending me a private message that for some reason I seem to understand. He wants me to believe in him as much as he believes in what he's trying to tell us. And for yet another inexplicable reason, I want to..

"Yeah.. I think.. it's just a really shit headache" he groans in pain before looking lost in thought at the carpet. I try to keep a clear head, and try to have an open mind for the sake of that stupid burning desire I can't seem to douse. 

Niall sits up with his elbows on his knees, before taking  deep breath and diving head first into his explanation.

"I thought I passed out because I was drunk" he looks to Hogan, "But then again that's what they wanted me to believe.." he continues and i'm at a loss. Hogan and I make quick eye contact, and I know exactly what he's thinking. It's really hard to take Niall serious when he's talking so much nonsense. Even with my will to believe him..

"I know it sounds insane" he answers both of our speculations, "But I think my..  or rather.. our memories have been toyed with" He makes sure to hold my stare as I watch the word 'our' fall from his thin lips. It strikes me, having a strange yet nostalgic effect on me, in an almost instinctive way.


"Niall do you hear yourself?" Hogan directs my attention away from Violet. He was looking at me like I had grown another appendage. 

"Look I know how this sounds, but I'm telling you, there were these two men here last night talking about 'reseting' us and something about forgetting the night before. Tell me that doesn't sound like what i'm trying to get at?" I challenge, his eyes reaching up to the heavens with how hard he's rolled them.

I fight back another intense shot of pain in my head, they're becoming less frequent the more I talk.

"Maybe - but how can you be so sure it wasn't all a dream" Violet, whispers, her eyes fixated on her hands in her lap. I don't know why but I expected her to be alight with realization, considering how we were specifically the chosen 'pair' for this 'experiment'.

"I'm sure it wasn't" I will her to look at me, but she fights me on it, "How can you explain our recollection of last night syncing up perfectly - while Hogan was made to believe something else happened?" I look back and forth between the two of them, and I think i'm starting to make a case here.

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