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I wait as the air between us shifts, and the tension becomes palpable. Violet refuses to look at me, but I catch her eyes wander past me to the table, where the only thing I see - other than my laptop - are my keys.

"After what Violet?" I press, her rebellion from looking at me is wearing my patience thin, yet she refuses to answer me. I can literally see the internal struggle she's fighting against. What is it that she doesn't want to tell me?

"Vi-," I try again but a knock at the door cuts our conversation short. This time she looks at me and a silent conversation passes between us. We both suspect it isn't room service...

I can feel my heart in my throat as another knock comes from the door. Violet stands twisting the towel in her hands, her face losing all color. And my mind is quickly trying to come up with an escape plan.

"Who is it?" I call out, taking a few steps towards the door. Before I mouth at Violet to get our things incase we need to make a run for it.

"House keeping," the odd voice of a woman travels through the door. I look back at Violet where she shakes her head at me, clearly telling me not to trust the "woman" at our door.

"Just a sec!" I call back to buy us some time. While Violet stuffs my laptop and throws me my keys.

I slip on my shoes and try to think, there's only one way out of here, and if it's who we think it is outside that door we don't stand a chance.

"The window," Violet whispers, and I mentally slap myself. Why didn't I think of that before? We're only on the second floor, and I know there's a fire escape all down the front of the motel.

"House keeping!" the estranged woman knocks again. I rush to the window, but the second I catch a glimpse of our escape route I spot an oh too familiar black vehicle parked right outside. To make matters worse, a certain man with glasses climbs out of the passenger side.

"Shit," I run my hands through my hair.

"What is it?" Violet answers her own question as she takes a peek through the blinds. She's pacing close behind me now, as I make sure the door to our room is locked before stumbling into the bathroom and heading straight for the much smaller window.

Opening the small window I stick my head out and look at the distance both above and below us. It's not too bad of a fall...

You can't be serious?

The knocks at the door get more and more frequent, as I continue to inspect the side of the building I realize that I am seriously considering this.

"Niall we aren't...?" Violet pulls me back in by my t-shirt my serious expression answering her question. I close the door to the bathroom, locking it behind me. Just as the knocks turn to banging, the woman turns into men.

"There's a large industrial pipe right next to the window, it goes straight down. We can make it." I grab her by the shoulders, trying quickly to prep her for this insane plan.

"What no, I can't Niall." Violet panics, her eyes stuck on the small window as I grab a hold of her shoulders.

"We have to hurry Vi, you go first." I breathe as the sound of cracking wood sounds loudly on the other side of this flimsy bathroom door.

"Now!" I push her towards the window and she's all hands on, leaving the duffle bag in the tub she throws one leg out, barely able to bend enough to fit through.


I hunch down as far as I can to get through the small opening, and hardly make it out without a scratch. I hope Niall can fit...

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