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I was taken to the downtown precinct, where I was met with silence and incredulous stares. No one was giving me any answers. From the small holding cell where I was being held I could see Matt, speaking animatedly with the officers at the front desk. I could tell he was doing everything he could to try and bail me out, but it looked like whatever he was saying just wasn't enough.

Hogan, who was stood behind him the whole time finally stepped forward and motioned over to me. It didn't take long to realize he had asked to talk to me, especially when I saw one of the other officers, escorting him toward me.

I held his gaze with hope that he's brought good news, and that all that back and forth with Matt and the officers is all my imagination.

"No luck" he brings me down from cloud nine all at once, and I feel my chest tighten.

"They say they can't let you go until they get a full statement from you" he ran his hand over his buzz cut head, "And that the Detective who's been assigned to your case is busy, so you could possibly be here all night" he adds.

"Shit" I swore, "Who the hell could have done this? Accuse me of ....rape.. for gods sake!" I paced back and forth before banging my fists against the bars, which incidentally wasn't a wise idea. I groaned in pain as the shock from the impact traveled from my fingers and down my arms. 

"Niall!" Hogan scolded me, looking over this shoulder for the officer behind the desk, as well as the one who had brought him in.

"I'm just - who the hell would do this to me?" I held my hands together and pressed my forehead to the cool bars while I waited for the pain to subside.

"Well.." Hogan sighed, and my eyes darted to his. The second our eyes met I knew who he was going to point a finger at.

"No" I took a step back, "It's not her, no way" I defended her almost on instinct.

"I know you want to believe it isn't but c'mon Niall, she thought you were insane after your talk about brainwashing and men in yo-"

"It's not her Xavier" I barked, knowing that I rarely ever use his first name should come as a warning to him. I find his gaze and stare him down until he resigns his argument.

"Fine, lets say it isn't. Who else could it be?" he sighs, his eyes filled with hallow credibility.

"I don't know, but it's not Violet" I glared to emphasize my stance on this.

"Alright times up" The man who escorted Hogan pats him on the shoulder and we exchange a retreating glance.

Not even half an hour later, Matt comes back to sing me the same tune as Hogan. Conscious of the fact that it would probably be an all nighter for me now, I let them stay for about two more hours before I practically had to beg them to go home and get some rest. I knew I didn't even have to mention their discretion, I trust they won't say a word. What I did ask, was for them to keep this from my father until I was able to get bail. The last thing I needed was an outraged irishman coming to yell at everyone to let me out of here - me being one of the few to get an extra earful.

God I don't even want to know what my father is going to say when he finds out. Even if I manage to keep this under wraps for now, I know I'll have to tell him somehow. And then, it'd surely be the beginning of WWIII.

With that despondent thought in mind, I retreated to the slab of metal they called a bed and laid down for a while. My eyes wandered to the clock above the aging guard behind the desk, and around midnight I asked for my one phone call, but was given a low scoff for an answer.

So I went back to lounging on the the hardness of my metal cot, when I realized it was nearly 4A.M.

At 5, I took to pacing back and forth in the 8 by 6 six space. Anxieties over this getting leaked some other way, started to crawl into my head. And I wondered if the news that the VP and Son to Billionaire Carrick Horan had been arrested on counts of sexual assault, had made it on the morning news yet.

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