Can we discuss this about Aiden's Aru Shah Wiki page for a sec?

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So, I was scrolling on Aiden's page on the Aru Shah wiki because I needed info on Aiden's scimitars. Then I go to the trivia section and guess what I read. 


I'm literally already trying to come up with the ship name if had been those two. Arew? Aruv? Drewdati? Dhruvathi? I'm terrified right now. I'll stick with Aruden. 

Also, under gifted abilities, cursing is one!

It literally says "Queen Draupadi was known for her sharp tongue and the curses she threw upon people who messed with her. Aiden also has this ability because he is her reincarnation. He once cursed a group of bullies when he was younger.".

How come I missed this in the books?!? I need to see some action on Aiden cursing people who mess with Aru! 

I just imagine it on like a movie trailer: "Aiden cursing people he doesn't like!". I would totally watch that movie!

You know what? I'm making a react oneshot. To the Aru and Aiden page. From the two in the song of death. Look forward to it! 



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