Another Life (2/3)

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Aru woke up the next morning. And she was TIRED. Like, I'm almost dead tired. And that is never a good type of tired.

The Sleeper, A.K.A Aru's and Kara's father, was back from his mission. He and Kara had noticed right away at the morning updates. "Are you okay?" Kara asked. "Yup. I'm good," Aru said. Then she almost fell asleep with her eyes open. "Kara, I think your sister needs some rest," The Sleeper said, eyeing Aru carefully, "Why don't you take her to your room for the time being?". Kara nodded at the suggestion and slung on of Aru's arms over her shoulders. She practically dragged Aru away.

At the room, Kara started peppering her with questions about last night. "I don't know what you're talking about," Aru said, yawning. "Fine, if you're going to be that way. I heard Dad's giving us a mission today," Kara said. Aru sat up immediately. "Really?" She asked her sister. Kara nodded and said "If you tell me what happened yesterday, I won't tell Dad that you aren't mood to do anything,".

"What is this? Blackmail?" Aru said. Kara nodded. Aru scoured her head for a convincing lie. "Well, I sort of met this guy in dad's army..." She started, immediately peaking Kara interest. "Tell me everything, right now," She demanded. "Uh, bit aggressive, aren't we?" Aru said. She flopped back down on the bed. "I got his number, and I was texting him last night," Aru said, hugging a pillow to her chest for extra effect. "What's his name?" Kara asked. "Aiden," was the first thing that came to mind. Something flashed in Aru's brain. A boy. Was that Aiden?

"What's he look like?"

"Dark brown hair that falls over his eyes, and his eyes! They're so... dazzling!" Aru said, trying to sound lovesick. It... wasn't actually hard.

"That sounds like an apsara! There's only a few of them in the army!" Kara squealed. "Relax, you sound like..." Aru paused, feeling a sense of familiarity. From whom, she didn't know. "Nevermind," Aru said. Kara didn't pay attention to it and said "I'll tell Dad that you didn't get enough sleep last night because you were up reading,". "Thank you." Aru smiled.

A knock sounded from the door. "One second!" Kara called out. She pulled Aru up off her bed. And then she kicked Aru in the stomach. Hard. But not too hard. It wasn't like, "oof, now I'm coughing up blood" hard, but more like "ow, that hurt, but now my whole body's awake and I want to kick you back" hard.

Aru held her stomach where Kara had kicked. That was probably going to bruise. "What was that for?" She almost shouted it. "You're awake now, aren't you?" Kara might've smirked, but she was looking the other way, so Aru couldn't see it.

Kara opened the door to Takshaka, one of The Sleeper's second in commands. "Your father would like to know if you both are fine to come back to the meeting," He said. "Yes, of course. One minute." Kara closed the door. She motioned for Aru to come. Aru walked over and the sisters walked back to the meeting.

When the sisters got there, their father sent a reluctant Takshaka away. "Father," they said, sitting down. "I'm sure you've heard about the mission," The Sleeper said. Aru and Kara nodded. "We're ambushing the Pandavas and I want my best working with it. And that just happens to be you two."

Aru smirked, glowing from from the praise as sparks flew off of Vajra. Sunny shined brighter from Kara's fingers. "Who's our team?" Kara asked. "I'll have Takshaka overlook this, along with with a team of 20," He said.

"20?" Both of them asked at the same time.

"That seems like a bit too little." Kara had said that.

"That's a lot of people for just..." Aru quickly counted on her fingers "5 people, two of them being like, 5. If you count the naga, 6." Aru said that.

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