Behind The Scenes/Bloopers of "Trapped in The Phantom Zone"

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A/N: So, if you didn't know, "Trapped in The Phantom Zone", was the make-believe movie that I made for the one shot "Lights, Camera, Action!".

This is really quick because I needed to just post something that wasn't a plain A/N.

We are also dangerously close to hitting 8K views.

Edit: We hit 8k views.

Let's get on with it now!

Mini turned the camera towards her and Brynne. "So, it's like, 6 a.m., and the whole cast stayed over at the studio," Brynne explained. "We got like 3 hours of sleep," Mini added "which could lead to insomnia, and then your brain would stop functioning because of the lack of sleep, and you could-".

"Die?" Nikita asked from the background. Mini nodded. "That's not the point of this!" Brynne said "The point is, we have blackmail,"

Brynne and Mini walked over to a different part of the studio. "We all went to sleep at like, 3:00 in the morning, so half of us awake. But these two..." Brynne flipped the camera.

Aiden was asleep, his back against the wall, and Aru's head was in his lap as she slept. "If you look closer, there's lipstick marks on Aiden's neck," Brynne zoomed in.

"Okay, that's enough blackmail for today." Boo's voice rang out from behind them. "Awww, come on! Molly and Oliver are snuggling!" Brynne protested. Mini nodded. "Turn the camera off!" Boo demanded.

The camera turned off.


Aru, at one point: You look terrible.

Aiden: You do too

Aru: Go cry about it bi-



Camila/Aru: I can do what I want to, especially if it's to help the team survive,

Rowan/Aiden: And you also need to.... *forgets line* Zabajsa.

Camila/Aru: *trying to hold back a laugh* Shansfala

Rowan/Aiden: *also trying not to laugh* Higdabfle

Camila/Aru: Livadje! *trying to sound mad*

Rowan/Aiden: *gasps* Givilsdres!

Mini, from off-stage: Did they just make up their own language because Aiden forgot his line?

Brynne: I think they did.


A/N: I know, very short, but something. See ya!


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