The Creature Woke Up....

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"So~" bdubs had a stupid smirk on his face, it was obvious he was excited to see me. And that he had alot of questions, he wanted me to answer.

But there's no time for chit chat, i have an alien on my ship. "bdubs...can you get Impulse, it's important." The excitement soon left the brunette's eyes, the moment he heard me say 'important'.
"Are you okay!? did something break?! ARE YOU GOING TO DIE!??" oh...this is bad..


"Etho please don't die! i don't want my best friend to die!!!" he's panicking, and the fact that he's almost in tears..this is bad..
"Bdubs!" the sound of his name made him shut up. He was scared..i mean who wouldn't be? I'm in the middle of nowhere alone, with some odd looking creature that can bleed pink liquid! Heck, i'm even scared!

"Bdubs..please get impulse.." i watched him get off his chair and run out side the room. After a few minutes later, both bdubs and impulse walked into the room.
"Hey, etho."

"Impulse...i know this is going to sound crazy, but you need to listen to me." both of the brunettes on the other side were nervous, holding there hands like there life depended on it. And i couldn't blame them, they have never seen me this serious before.

" this ship..." i don't know what was i expecting but it sure wasn't this..

I got two reactions, bdubs was shocked but on the other hand, impulse was excited. which was weird because i expected the opposite reaction. "You found an alien!?"
I decided it's for the best if i show them the creature, so that's what i did, i got up and walked away. "Eth-"

I headed to the cabin..and looked down at the creature, maybe i shouldn't have left it on the ground, if impulse found out, he sure will be mad. I placed one of it arms on my shoulder and picked the creature up. Walking back to the bridge with the creature in hand, got me a little nervous.

I sat back on my chair, and positioned the creature to sit on my lap.




"It's the cutest little thing!!!"
"Etho! did you hurt it!?" those are the reactions i expected: bdubs babying the little thing while impulse is worried about it.
"Uhh..calm down you two, and impulse i didn't hurt it, i found it like this." i watched impulse pull out a note book and a pen.

"Etho, i need you to tell me everything, and i mean everything, how you found them, how did they get hurt, and obviously how did it get in the ship in the first place?" impulse was thrilled, and i mean who wouldn't be? He wanted to know everything. He looked like a kid that just entered a candy store.

"Umm..well" i looked down at the alien who was laying on top of me, "It's coloured green with some lime lines on what could be it's eyes.." and that's all...there's nothing really interesting about this creature.
" there anything else?"
I lifted two of the creatures arms, to show the brunette's. "It has four arms..i guess that's cool" Impulse was taking notes, and if wasn't holding this creature, i would have done the same. Which i should probably do soon..
"I'll go talk to doc, but i want you to keep a close eye on this beautiful creature." After that we had a small conversation about, what we'll do when i get back. And then we said our goodbyes.

I watched as the screen turn black and the two brunettes disappear...
I got off my chair, with the alien still in hand, and placed the creature in the chair i was sitting on moments ago. Than went to get a piece of paper and pencil, instead of taking notes like impulse, i'll be sketching it. You never know what will happen, maybe the alien will get lost, somehow and we need a picture of it...Plus i have nothing to do, and this seems like a good way to waste my time!

-------------------time skip---------------------

I placed the pencil on the desk, and looked at the sketch i just finished. It wasn't bad, but not one of my best work...
I heard a whine? i removed my attention off of my sketch and looked up at the alien, they were shaking? maybe there waking up? I placed the paper on the desk and walked up to the creature, i cupped the alien's face and could feel there shaky breath against my gloved hand.

I watched as the alien slowly open their eyes. Their eyes were coloured black, the only colour that you can see is the white pupil in the middle. It took a while for the alien to realise that i was holding there face, but when they did..

They. Freaked. Out.

They pushed her body against the chair, they were sitting on. I had to hold the arms of the chair to make sure the alien didn't fall.
"Hey...calm down" i placed one of my hands on its shoulder, "'re safe.." i found out the hard way, that telling someone 'calm down' or 'you're safe' isn't going to work.

The alien was looking around, turning to find a way out, the poor thing was scared. I mean i can't blame them, they woke up to find stranger in front of them.
I waved my hand, "Hello.." they stayed silent, they also looked a bit offended. It seems like they don't understand me, "Can you speak?" I watched the alien tilt their head to the right.
They looked even more confused than before. The poor thing was, scared, confused, and they looked so lost...

The alien curled up into a ball and hugged there legs, "Hey you're okay, i promise i won't hurt you.." i placed my hand against there face. The creature looked at me, i could tell by the way they looked at me that they wanted to go home..

And this isn't there home...

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