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We stayed in the room for a while, not doing much just hanging out with the creature. But we were interrupted by one of our phones ringing, turns out, it was gem's phone. She quickly picked up her phone, not wanting the creature to get scared by the noise.
"Hey, i'm a bit busy." she started. She was about to say something else but instead, stayed silent..


Now i'm worried, she sounded sad saying that, i know it's none of my business but still,

"Mhm...okay, i'll tell him."

She ended the call and placed her phone back into her bag, "Etho, it's getting late. You should go home and rest." That caught me off guard, I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time.

God. How long have we been here? I didn't even notice. Maybe it's because, there's no windows in this room, i mean, we are in the lower area of the building.
I was about to say something but gem beat me to it, "And before you say something, i won't take no for an answer."

I sighed.

I know i can trust gem with the creature but it's going to be hard trying to leave.
"Alright, take care of them, gem." I grabbed two of the creature's hands, and held them tightly, "I'll be back, i promise." Saying goodbye is never an easy thing but it had to be done, i started walking away, when i reached the door, i turned around to tell gem 'goodbye' and when i did, my eyes laid on the creature, who had four of their arms stretched out, making grabby hands.

Their adorable. I need to protect them, i need to make sure their happy and safe.

I quickly left the room, because i knew if i stayed a little longer, i will not leave.
The first thing in my to do list, is going to my office. I left clothes for myself before getting on the spaceship. And also left my house keys, car keys and wallet there.

I hopped into the elevator, pushed the button. And as soon as the door opened, i power walked my way to my office room.
At the end of the hall, i saw a gray-bluish door on the right, quickly i opened the door to my office and closed it behind me as i entered.

There was a black bag on top of my chair, that i left there. I opened the bag and grabbed the clothes and quickly changed. I started shoving the body suit in side the bag. Before putting the bag on my back, i grabbed a pair of keys, one was for my car and the other was for my house. After getting out of my office and locking the door, and started making my way outside, to the parking lot.

There weren't many cars out, only a few.
I unlocked the door, and got inside my car.

It took about an hour and a half to get back home but when i did, the first thing i did was obviously unlocking the front door but after that. I took a quick shower and then change into some comfortable clothes.



I slowly opened my eyes, i was awoken by a beam of sunlight cutting through the curtains. I got up but i decided to stay in bed a little longer. The last thing i remember was passing out on my bed. I didn't even wrap myself in the soft blanket, that i love very much. I guess, i was that tired.
I grabbed my phone, which was sat on the nightstand, charging. When i opened my phone, i noticed that it was 4:36 PM. I slept for a full day.

God. I need to check up on gem and joel.

Instead of calling gem, i decided to go to the kitchen and make something simple for breakfast/lunch.
After finishing cooking, i sat at the dining table with a plate of grilled cheese. I mean it wasn't a five star meal at a gordon ramsay restaurant but it will do.

My eating got interrupted with a notification, i sighed and grabbed my phone, when i looked at the screen i saw a message from X. I opened my DM's between me and X and read the message he had sent.

The message wasn't really important, it was just tell me to that i had a meeting with him and cub later. I guess that's important but right now, it's not.


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