Quality Time With Zedaph!

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On my way back to- wait....I don't actually know what that room was in the beginning, guess it's now joel's room, for now..

Anyways...I got a message from X, asking me to come over to his office. So i dropped off joel, and i was a bit surprised when i found gem still there, i thought she left but i guess not.

After leaving joel, i made my way to X's office and when i opened the door, i was met with XB and Zedaph. All three of them were gathered around the desk, "Hello." i walk towards them and join them around the desk, "Heyy, etho." zedaph wrapped his arm around my shoulder, XB and xisuma both greeted me, and then started explaining to me there plan.

The plan is simple, replace all of the AC's in my house with newer ones that are used in ice factories and if that doesn't keep joel cold enough, i'll just put them inside a freezer.

I was suppose to hand in my house keys to XB so he can measure stuff and in the meanwhile, zedaph was going shopping for AC's at a warehouse.

The three of us walked outside after xisuma ended the meeting, zedaph and i were on our way to joel since he wanted to meet them. We asked XB if he wanted to join us but he declined and went his own way.

When we were on our little journey, zedaph kept asking questions like; 'What do they look like?' , 'Are they nice?' , 'How do they act around you?'. Of course, i answered some of the questions he asked, and when i mentioned how gem already met them, zedaph got a little offended, asking why the rest of the hermits didn't get to meet joel. I had to explained to him that, cleo, gem, tango, impulse, pearl, bdubs, X, cub, doc, jevin and now him and XB are the only ones that know about joel. For now..

And i'll like it to stay that way. I don't want the whole world to know about joel.

When we entered the room, joel was nowhere to be found, while gem was on the floor, kneeled down in front of one of the cupboards, trying-...more so failing, to pull something...or someone out. And i was correct to assume that joel was inside the cupboard since gem was whisper yelling at joel, telling them to come out.

It was nice to see them getting along, in their own weird way.

Both me and zedaph greeted gem and she waved back, we walked towards her and sat on the ground next to her. "Hey etho..and zedaph what are you doing here?"

"Oh! I wanted to see the alien, and etho agreed to let me meet them!" zed smiled brightly at us, showing us his pearly whites, i nodded at gem, confirming his statement. "Anyway, gem why is joel inside the cupboard?" I broke the slices by asking the important question.

The redhead shrugged and pointed at the half empty box of donuts, "When you dropped them off, they were quite at first, but when they saw me picking up one of the donuts. They got scared and decided to hide in one of the cupboards." At this point, i'm not surprised. But if given the time joel will learn not to get scared over small things like this. "Maybe they remembered rengoku!" Gem gasped and covered her mouth, "How dare you talk about rengoku like that! He's not just a donut, he's the flame hashira! A man who learnt how to eat very meal like it's the las-!" "Gem, we get it! Rengoku is your favorite."

Okay...Now this is childish, even joel agrees since they came out of the cupboard and gripped my sleeve, trying to my attention. And i'll gladly give them my attention, "Ignore them." I gently caressed their cheek and as i did, i noticed that their face was a lot rounder, eyes were a bit bigger as well.

But something was off, they kept staring at zedaph, the man has blonde hair, tanned skin and violet coloured eyes, who wouldn't stare at zedaph. Plus joel had never met zedaph so that could be a another reason as to why their staring. Joel release their grip of my sleeve and started crawling towards zedaph, who is still bickering with gem about demon slayer characters and he had yet to realized that joel was coming towards him.

I was about to stop joel, but i decided not to, last minute. This is out of character for joel, and i wanted to see what they'd do.

Joel grabbed zedaph's gold medal around his neck and started angrily pulling the medal, which caused both gem and zedaph to pause their argument. "Do you want zedvancement medal? This is a new one, i'll given an old one if you want."

So that's what he calls them, i knew he was collecting and doing stuff but i didn't know he calls them 'zedvancements'. I remember he asked me to help him use these weird green plushies to make a song with their voice box's. I did that before i left.

"Okay, that's enough joel." They were still trying to get the medal, and they got it. Some how they ripped the ribbon that was around zedaph's neck, causing the medal to fall into joel hands. Zedaph rubbed his neck and let out quite "ow's" meanwhile joel placed the gold medal in their mouth. Quickly i grabbed the medal out of their mouth, "Joel you can't eat this!"
I let out a sigh, and made sure zedaph was okay, and then i faced joel. I was terrified to say the least. The white pupil in their eyes were gone, their eyes are fully black now...Which made joel look ten times scarier.

This is the first time joel looked at me with so much hatred and disgust. I have known joel for about a week and i have grown so close to them within a week and seeing the way their looking at me right now breaks my heart...


[Heyyy, it's been 4 weeks since i last posted, my bad. Sorry about that! I'll give you guys a recap of what happen in those 4 weeks!! First my cousin wedding and then after that i had to get a nose surgery. And then i got writer's block, yay!! :D But anyways i'm back from the dead :p]

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