90 Days!?

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I took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door. After a few seconds of waiting, i got an answer, "Come in." I slowly opened the door, and entered the office. I saw X sitting on his desk, with a phone in his hand.
"Gimme one minute, Etho. But feel free to take a seat."

I took a seat in the white coloured couch. X's office was one of my favorites room in the H.E.R.M.I.T section, reason being this white couch. I'm pretty sure most of the other hermits will agree with me on this one. The couch in Xisuma's office was soft, very soft, most of the hermits spend their breaks here.

Didn't really pay attention to Xisuma's call, well first, it's none of my business and also i was trying to plan the conversation ahead before it even started. After a few minutes, X ended the call and placed his phone on the desk. He got off the desk and came up to set next to me. "So? what's up."

"I want to talk about the creature..." X simply hummed as some form of a reply. "Cub told you, didn't he?" I heard a sigh escape my mouth, and then i quietly nodded. "You don't need to agree, that's fine. We can just keep the creature here." I moved my gaze off of X and quietly eyed the floor, i stayed silent. I didn't answer, because i didn't know how...I wanted to take the creature home with me but..- "Here, i have an idea."


"How about we let the creature decide for themself." Now this peaked my interest, i lifted my head and my gaze went right back at X. "How?"

"The creature is asleep, correct?"


"Well, first we'll wait until they wake up. Then we'll give them two pieces of paper, one coloured black and another white. Do you get what i'm saying? We let them choose based on the colour they pick." Come to think of it, that is a smart idea. I could ask gem to get some paper ready, i'm pretty sure i have some unwanted paper in my office. And i could borrow some colour pencils from stress,
"That sounds like a good idea.."

"Alright, now that we have a plan. We should get started!" X said, clapping his hands.
I was about to get up and make my way back to gem and the creature..Until- "Hey...X, let's say if...the creature does stay with me, how many days will that be..?"

"Hmm..good question-!" the brunette paused, taking his time to think about the question i asked. "I'm not sure but..if i had to guess, i well say maybe 90- days?"

ninety days!?

Like nine and zero!?


He-he..must be joking...right?
As much as i would love to take care of the creature-... I'm not spending NINETY DAYS with them!
"Again, i'm not sure so don't panic. I'll arrange a call with cub, and all three of us will talk about this. 'kay?" A sigh left my lips and i quietly nodded.

We said our goodbyes, and i left X's office, closing the door behind me. I started walking back to the elevator, and as soon as i entered the elevator i quickly hit the button that will get me down, to my destination.

When i heard a 'Ding' and saw the door slide open, I quickly got out and started running- No not running more like speed walking. I tried to get back as fast as possible. And when i did, to my surprise...

..The creature...was..awake...


When i opened the door, the ginger haired female turned immediately to inspect the sound, when she saw me. She got excited, "Etho! Look, Look!" she said, pointing at the creature, who was holding gem's other hand.

[Short chapter, sorry! Also sorry for not posting! There is one more week before I finish final exams! After that i'll try to post a chapter ones a week..!]

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