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I placed my phone down, and continued eating my grilled cheese. After not being able to cook for, weeks, i think i did a good job. My cooking skills are a bit rusty but i'll relearn cooking later.

After finishing, i grabbed my plate and placed it in the sink, i'll clean that when i'm done with work, i thought to myself. I went to my room and got dressed for the day (or night).

I looked at myself on a full body mirror in my room, and made sure i looked decent. I wore my iconic dark gray mask, and quickly fixed my hair, before exiting the room. I snatched the things i need, and left my house.

I decided to call gem as soon as the car started moving, it's going to take me about an hour to reach the headquarters and i also want to check on joel. I placed my phone on one of those stands that use magnets to hold your phone in place.

I went through my contacts list until i found gem's number, and FaceTimed her. A few rings later, she answered, "Hey..Etho." she looked tired as she rubbed her eyes. Look like she just woke up. "Sorry..did i wake you?"

She shook her head, and then covered her mouth, to yawn, "Nahh"

"Where are you?" she mumbled, i let out a light chuckle before answering her, "I just left my house, i'm on my way to headquarters."
all she did was nod, seems like she's really tired, i hope joel didn't cause her trouble.
"How did you sleep? Seems like you're tired."

"I slept fine, but i did make a mistake by staying up for hours..." When i left, it was almost 1AM and that's late even for me. By the time i left, i expected them to already asleep but i just not. "Was joel bothering you?"

"No, it's more of me bothering them...When they fall asleep, i started taking pictures of them..and that woke them up, and they moved away from me."
I tried to keep my eyes on the road and not tell that her, "Why would you take pictures of them?"

"I was going to send them to the hermit group chat but i passed out..." God, what 'am i going to do with that woman. "Quick, before the light turns green. Show me joel." I know that i was going to see them when i'm there but i wanted to make sure they're okay. I trust gem don't get me wrong, but it dosen't hurt, to make sure.

When she turned the phone, towards joel. I saw them cuddling a bee themed blanket. Gem's bee themed blanket. Was i really getting jealous over a stupid bee blanket? Maybe. But they did look adorable, so i'll let it go. When i noticed the light go green, i speed up. I was trying to get there as fast as possible. Which was a mistake, because the sound of the engine woke joel up , "Etho!!".

"I'm sorry! hold on, i'm slowing down." I took a quick glance at my phone, and when i saw joel freaking out. My heart dropped. I want to be there, comfort them, tell them that everything was going to be okay. But unfortunately i wasn't there.

"I'm going to hang up now, don't want them to have another panic attack..." Wait, what? "Gem!"

She hung up on me...

What did she mean by 'another one'. Okay, now i'm panicking. I need to seriously get there as fast as possible. I started speeding up, going over a 100 but staying in the speed limit of 250. Then suddenly i heard my phone ringing, at first i thought it was gem but when i look at the contacts, i saw a joined call with X and cub. I sighed but i did pick up my phone anyways, removing it from the magnet stand, and accepting the call. "X, i'm on the road right now, can we talk later?"

Sadly i couldn't escape the meeting and was forced to stay and talk with them, but the meeting went well. And we decided to talk more about this later, when i got to headquarters. But we did agreed on a few rules. Which are;

1) The creature must stay indoor, All the time.
2) If the creature runs way, we will find them and lock them up.
3) They can't meet anyone outside of the hermits.
4) Every saturday, i must write a report about what happened that week and send it to cub.
5) The creature will have meetings with doc for check ups.

Just that. Five simple rules. And if needed we'll add more. We can't have the government find out about this. And if they do, we'll all be in serious trouble.


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