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"X- please-..!" The man just ignored me! instead of talking, he just hands me a plastic bag with cookies inside. Which are obviously made by scar, the burnt bottom was a give a way.

I pulled down my mask and than opened the plastic bag, i picked one of the cookies. I broke the cookie in half, and handed one of the halves to X, which he gladly accepted.

I slid the cookie in my mouth, and started chewing, even tho the cookie was burnt it still tasted some what good.
"Thanks for the cookie, but X-.." "The answer is no" suma just shut me of, he didn't even listen to me!

I tried to talk to him but every time, he just shuts me off! Which is rude, but i'm sure he has his reasons but i bet their stupid.
I'm positive that he doesn't want me to get attached, well too late! because i'm already attached to this weird looking but cute creature!

I got up, and took the bottom half of the space suit, i already got the top half off with the help of X. After getting the suit off, i kick it to the other side of the room. I'm deftly not going to wear that suit ever again.
X chuckled at my behaviour, obviously taking notice at my frustration. "Looks like you aren't going to space again, huh?"

I let my body fall into the couch, and sink in, "I mean, don't get me wrong, I love space but it was so painfully boring.." i answered, while grabbing another cookie from the bag and than sliding it into my mouth.

"Haha, will since you took off the space suit, i think you should change into something else. You have been wearing that since day one." I looked down at myself, and yeah he's right. I have been wearing that black body suit under that unbearable white space suit.

And even tho grian made that suit just for me, which i'm thankful for but the suit is so unbearable, it's like the worst thing i have ever worn. Maybe it because i have been wearing it for the past two weeks and half! Obviously i going to feel uncomfortable after wearing that FOR TWO WEEK AND HALF.

What of nowhere the door busted open, which caused me to snap back to realty, reasoning that i didn't have my mask on....
But god bless xisuma who, noticed the door open before i did. X got in front of me and hide my face with his hand.
I quickly put on my mask, and looked over X's shoulder to find a breathless cubfan. "Are you okay..?"
"No! something awful happen!! You need to see this!" cub grabbed X's hand and started dragging him outside the room. I didn't know what was going on but i got curious, some may say too curious. Because i started running after them.

"Hey cub, what happened?" The black haired man ignored me, which i'm not mad at because he was trying to get to the place but also at the same time trying to keep X safe and not accidentally hurt him.

After a few seconds, we reached our destination which is room 97. I realised that the room was made out of glass, which you can't ignore. And for some reason there was SMOKE!?
Panic mode turned on the moment i realized that the creature could be in here...
I immediately rushed to open the door, but cub stopped me. He grabbed my hand, moving it way from the door knob. "Cub...please.." I begged, i was desperate, so desperate. I wanted to go inside, I wanted to get that poor creature out of there! I wanted to protect them..!
"Etho, you need to understand that, That room is filled with deadly gas!"

Both me and X were in shock, we didn't expect this. "I leave you for 20 minutes! and you do this!?" X spanned, who can blame him for getting mad. If NASA found out, their probably going to do something awful! Maybe we'll even lose our jobs because of this!
"Hah..ah, yeah don't worry, cleo is getting tango-" the black haired man paused, trying to come up with something to make this situation much lighter than it really is.."-And we all know tango! he can fix this...i hope..." the last part was whispered to himself, trying to calm this self down.

Bdubs, impulse and cleo, came rushing with a giant tube, they attached it to the glass door.
Tango and pearl followed the trio soon after, with pearl making sure there are no holes or gaps in tango's gas suit.
"Go, go go!!" bdubs shouted as he opened the plastic door of the tube, singling to tango to get in.

Tango quickly ran inside, but as soon as he entered room 97 we couldn't see him thanks to the thicc gas...
"I'm going inside, pearl get me a gas suit!"
Pearl nodded, quickly running to get another gas suit. "Pearl wait!" Impulse shouted, running after her..

"Etho, you can't go inside of there you're not an-" "I'm not an expert, yeah i know." I cut them off, taking them by surprise. "Cleo, you need to understand I can't leave that creature in there!"

"You don't even know if there inside!" The redhead yelled back at me..
Xisuma got in the middle of us, obviously trying to stop the fight. "That's enough! Can't you see? your both making cub panic!" we turned our heads to be greeted with a shaky cub...Bdubs was next to the black haired man, trying to calm him down.

"I'm so sorry it my fault this happened...I shouldn't have done it.." The moment cub said 'I shouldn't have done it' was when i realised that he has done what i feared the most..."You...didn't...I thought you won't...Your sick! you know that!"

"Hey! it's not cub's fault that doc don't double check his machine! The only thing cub did was put that stupid alien inside the machine!" Cleo was pissed at me, but honestly the only thing i care about right now is the creature.
"Cleo you know damn well if one of the hermits was in danger you will waste no second to try and safe them!"
I didn't even realize i was crying, until X pointed it out. "Guys, come on this is ridiculous. Just stop, there's no use for fighting."

"X there crying out for help! But no one wants to help them! There alone, lost and scared!"




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