Their Body..Is..Melting...

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"X there crying out for help! But no one wants to help them! There alone, lost and scared!"
The room fell in silence. The only thing we could hear is tango's shifts in the glass room next to us..
Pearl came back but this time impulse wasn't with her. The light brunette head came rushing towards me,

"Here, also it might be small..sorry for that but this is the only size i can find. Impulse is looking for one that fits you, it's kind of a second plan." Pearl handed the gas suit, she seemed out of breath..Which i apologized for, it's my fault after all. I made her run all the way to the room where NASA keeps their gas suits, And than run back here.

I quickly put on the gas suit, trying my best to not trip or fall as i do.
Cleo opened the plastic door of the tube, "Be careful..." All i could do is nod, for some reason i couldn't find the words to say something to the redhead...Even tho words usually came natural with me and cleo, we were child-hood friends after all. But this time i couldn't even say a thing to them

I walked in the plastic tube, and entered the glass room but you couldn't even tell the room is made out of glass because of the gas..
The gas was thick, i couldn't see a thing but i did hear tango moving things, so i tried to follow the sounds. "Tango?"

My hands started exploring, first i found a table..and than i went down, and found a body? i got a little excited, hoping it was the creature so i tried to pick it up but my excitement soon left. "Who the f-"
I was not expecting tango. Yes i knew he was there but when i touched/tried to pick him up, his waist it felt light. So because of that i though he was the creature. "Shit-sorry tango!"

I couldn't see what tango was doing but i did hear a chuckle, "What are you doing here?"
I wasn't sure if tango knew that there's a creature in this room, "Oh...i'm here to fix the machine..." I lied. Yes, i know it's a bad idea but i don't want to scare him. Tango just got back from a small vacation, (that's what i heard anyways.) and i don't want to stress him with this hole alien thing. Even tho, i know tango would love to meet up with an alien, But i can't put that on him, not now.
"Oh, i actually found the machine. It's on the right side of the room, i'm trying to stop the gas but i have to open the vent."
You can't say 'right side' and expect me to find that stupid machine in this thicc ass gas.
A sigh escaped my mouth, and started-or at least tried to find the machine. I moved forward with my hand against the wall to gaded me.
It was tricky to say the least, but somehow i found it. But there was a problem...For some reason when i placed my hand on what i thought was the machine, i felt something...slimy and gooey...
My hands started explore whatever i just found..I can feel whatever i'm touching sticking to the gas suit. "Uhm...tango..I think i found something..."

i heard a gross sound coming from the thing i was touching..and I quickly removed my hands, i didn't what i was touching but it felt disgusting. "Tango..!!" I could heard tango trying to find me, "Wait-...i'm coming!" Than i heard something fall over...I got worried, really...worried...
"I'm fineee!!" I felt tango bumped into me with his hands wrapped around my shoulders for sport. "Tango! you scared me."
Thank god he's alright, well...i hope he is. We can't see anything with thicc gas all around us, so i can't really check if he okay..All i can do is hope.

"So..what did you find?" I let my hands re explore whatever i just found. And i didn't want to touch whatever this is, but i had to explain what i found to tango. "It's gross..slimy..and a-.." my hands went lower, and i felt something was long and it felt like metal? i think..."I found a tray? and i think it's made out metal.." i started playing around with the tray, seein- or feeling it. A loud tick could be heard and it was unexpected, both me and tango jumped back. "Etho...what did you do!?"

"Nothing..!!" I panicked a bit, I didn't know what i just did, which scares me..All i want is to get the creature out of here. I decided to explore more, so i got down on my knees..And my hands found new things,
I found levers and odd little buttons, I decided not to parsell or pull anything just in case they did something. I let my hands go lower, and i found a long pipe with wheels at the end.

"Oh Snappers, i think we can get this out." I went up again and tried to find the handle of this tray, so i can get this out of the room. "Hold on, i'll try to find the door." And with that, Tango left.
I grabbed the handle of this tray, and slowly started moving it. The tray was making annoying sounds, it desperately needed oil...
Either they used an old ass tray or maybe the gas somehow ruined the tray..
"Etho, you need to trust me and follow my voice!!"
Tango started whistling, And with that, i started moving, following the sound and with one of my hand on the wall, just to make sure i don't fall. I'm like a blind horse. Moving in the dark..(More like thicc ass gas..)

Somehow, With the help of tango and the glass wall, i found my way out of the room and into the tube. As i entered the tube, i stopped in my tracks. To finally see what is on that tray, tango closed the glass door behind us and joined me soon after.

We saw the creature, which is a good thing we found them but...Their
Boiling hot Smoke....

coming...out of..them...

I'm at a loss of words, i didn't know what to say..All i could do is...stand there...My body went numb, and my mind went blank...


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