They're Safe...

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Tango was talking to me, i think..- I couldn't hear a thing. So i wasn't sure but i could feel my body shaking. Was it me doing it or tango, i didn't know, my mind was blank...The only thing i was thinking about was the creature...I don't know how i'll save them..

How did this even happen? Was it doc's machine? Or was it the gas? Did the gas burn the creature's skin? If so, what else can that gas do?

I had so many questions but with no one to answer..

'How i am i going to fix this?' i have been asking myself that question for a while now, it's been like 3 minutes since i found the creature...Yeah, that sounds about right, i think...

I wasn't sure how long i have been standing in front of the half-burnt tray but i did hear footsteps and something about 'code' i wasn't quite sure what was happening around me.


Than something broke my train of thoughts. I felt a sharp pain coming from my face, i blinked a few time, and took a step back. I was greeted with cleo screaming at me, "Etho! We been trying to call you for the past 12 minutes, what is up with you!?"

The redhead snatched off the mask of the gas suit, which made me realize i had a hard time breathing in that while still wearing a other face mask. "Are you okay?"

When they spoke this time, there voice was quieter, more calmer.

"I'm alright, cleo."
Did i lie again? Yes. Was i doing it because i don't want cleo to worry? Yes. I hated this, i hate lying to my friends but i couldn't stop...i couldn't stop myself. I didn't know why, i just couldn't use words properly...
Cleo's mouth was moving, but i couldn't hear a thing...Maybe because i was too focussed on my thoughts.

I noticed that the tray was gone, so i started looking around not really paying attention to whatever cleo is saying. I spotted something orange moving...So i brush cleo aside, and followed the orange thing, "Hey-! Etho!" As i made my way though the door, I closed it behind me. I was now in a hallway of pipes...

I never knew why we even had a hallway of pipes but we did..

The hallway was quiet...too quiet, not to mention the creepy vibe which makes me feel really uncomfortable. I've never liked quiet places...especially since i hang out with people who talk a lot..

I heard a door getting shut, which told me that i was close to the end of this creepy hallway

Thank god...

As i reached the end of the hallway, i was welcomed with two doors in front of me.

One on the right and other on the left....

I first tried to open the right door's clocked...
So i went to the left door, and it opened. As i entered the room, cool air greeted my body. The room is cold...There was about five AC's in the room..

A female figure, standing in front of a long white table. And something that looks like a corpse laying on top of the table, with a grayish coat covering- who i think is the alien..-

The female figure turned around to face me, there features hidden by black futuristic glasses. Now that i have a better look that this figure, it was obviously Gem. Not just because of the orange/reddish hair but gem is around 5'8 ft (or 1.78 m) Which is pretty short, Also she as a unique style.

She usually wears clothes in a cutest elven aesthetic. It's very unique, She the only one...Other an scar-.. Who wears outfits with an elven aesthetic. So it's pretty easy to tell it's her, thanks to her fashionable outfits.

The redhead removed the glasses that covered half of her face.
"Etho? what are you doing here?"
That is a good question...That i don't have an answer for...
I can't lie to gem..i just can't...i can't make up an excuse..."I spotted something, so i went to investigate...and i found you.."

It's gem for god's sake! The woman sees me as her hero since she was a kid, i can't just lie to someone that sees me as here childhood hero! I remember on the first day she came to the job, she told me, 'You are the reason i decided to join NASA, Etho'.

And after that day, we became friends...Gem is my only weakness..
I don't have have the will power to lie to her. I can't break her heart..

"Are you okay? you seem off...What's wrong?"





I just want to find the creature...

Nothing more and nothing less.

"What's under the coat?" Was i changing the subject? Yep, but what can i say, curiosity got the better of me. "Hey! don't change the subject, i know something is up."

Okay! Fine, she got me...

" see, i found an alien and long story short. They got hurt and i blanked out and now i can't find them and i'm worried sick!"

Unexpectedly gem laughed..

She then pulled the coat off the corpse like figure. My eye lit up with joy as soon as i saw the creature laying on top of the white table.
Their body was still a burned mess but it was frozen somehow..

"Pearl and Cleo, told me about them and asked if i could put them inside this room because theirs five AC's in here and they thought it might help there burn marks chill."

Thank god...
They're safe...


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