Tests & Shots

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The walk to doc's office was peaceful, to say the least.

I did need to stop every now and then, to calm down joel, who when they saw something like a fan or a painting, they'd start freaking out. But other than that, everything was fine.

When we did finally reach doc's office, i felt a bit nervous, but i brushed it off and knocked on the door. When the door was opened, i was greeted with a tired looking doc, "Hey.." He moved away from the door, and i walked inside. "Sup doc." I placed joel on a chair, and then walked over to doc, who was setting up different sizes of needles. "So, which one will you be using?" he picked up the needle in the middle, which is decent in size. I was a little bit scared, i didn't know how joel will react to needle, maybe it could hurt them. "It won't hurt, if that's what your worried about."

"They were most burned alive, i think i have the right to be worried." He shrugged and started walk towards joel, and i follow soon after. "Okay, etho i need you to hold the creature in place. I don't want another broken arm." I chuckled a bit, and then sat on the floor, next to joel. I grabbed joel's lower left arm and gently pulled, "How many shots do they need, doc?"

"I'm just giving them a vaccine, and i'll also need a blood sample." Doc moved the needle towards joel's arm, and joel started freaking out when they saw the needle get close to them. Doc stopped when he noticed joel shaking, he slowly lowered the needle and made sure it was out of joel's sight. "Etho can you try covering their eyes, maybe it'll help." I nodded, and got up, still holding joel's arm but this time a little tighter than before. Placed my other hand on their eyes, and they started kicking the air, "Doc, make it quick." He did in fact, make it quick,

"All done! Now i just need a blood sample and you two can leave." I let go of there arm, and removed my hand, so they could see again. "See it wasn't that bad, right joel?" I heard laughter from the other side of the room, and when i turned around, i was meet with doc's back, who was over at his desk preparing the next needle.
"Really etho? You gave them a name."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention back towards joel, who almost looks ready to cry, their eyes were watery and big water bubbles could be seen on the corner of their eyes. I started wiping the tears with my hand, carefully trying not to poke their eye, "There, you don't need to cry. Just a little longer and we'll leave, kay." Doc came back and this time with a smaller needle, he keeled down and quickly grabbed joel's right leg and placed the needle inside, sucking the  blood out. Joel begin panicking and when they tried moving, doc pulled out the needle, "This should be enough. Right?" he showed me the needle with pink colored blood inside.

"I suppose..."

"Alright, time to do boring stuff, grab them and place them in the scale." He pointed towards the black scale on the floor, i gently pulled joel up and made sure i was supporting them while we walked. Doc did the same and walk towards his desk to put the needle in it's place, he grabbed a notebook and a pen and than walked back to us.

They weighted around 7.5 kg which is very underweight, and their also pretty short, 4 foot and 9 inches is there hight. Both me and doc were shocked, we didn't expect this. To be honest, i thought they were shorter but i guess not.

"Alright, we're done. Can you leave? i need to plan my revenge." After he finished writing down, what he needs, he starts pushing us, well, more like pushing me since i was carrying joel. "Okay, okay, we'll leave! Just don't try killing scar and grian!" The goat, rolled his eyes and shut the door in my face. "See, he's nice...In his own way." I looked down at joel, who is curled in a small ball.

I have a feeling that when they get scared, they shrink in size, maybe it's a self defense thing that aliens do..

...Who knows...

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