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When i opened the door, the ginger haired female turned immediately to inspect the sound, when she saw me. She got excited, "Etho! Look, Look!" she said, pointing at the creature, who was holding gem's other hand.
"When did they wake up?"

"Don't know, maybe like 30-35 minutes ago.." I walked up to the table that the creature is sitting on, i tried to cup their face but they flinched away from my touch.
Are- are they scared of me?
"Hey..bud" this time when i tried to touch the creature, i rubbed their thigh insted of cupping their face. Which to my surprise, they allowed me to.

They stayed silent. With their black eyes on me, examining me. Both me and gem started to chuckle a bit, i mean, how can you not? the creature's face was adorable. Cheeks puffed, lips pouted, eyes narrowed, looking up and down. "Oh! there enchanting. Etho look at them!"

"Indeed they are, Gem." now, the creature's face turned back to normal, their calm. I think and hope so. They titled their head a bit, and their mouth opened a little, making an tiny 'o' shape.



They Talked...
They Said Something! They Said Gem's name! (nickname but still!)
Gem and I were both in shock. I mean, who wouldn't!?

Gem started jumping in place, she was making weird noises of excitement and out of nowhere, she pulled the confessed creature into her arms, squeezing the poor thing who had no idea what was going on.
"Gem..Stop squeezing them, leave them alone." I let out a little laugh that the end, which she noticed. "Don't laugh at me! How will you react if they said your name, huh?"

"Not like this." I repaid.

The creature tried pushing gem off of them but the female fought back, holding the creature tightly. The creature's face was pressed into gems chest, speaking of their face, a dark shade of green appeared on their cheeks. Are they blushing? i thought.
At this point, i stepped in, "Gem, stop your making them uncomfortable." I yanked gem off of the creature, pulling her by the caller of her shirt. "Sorry, sorry, got little too excited!" She raised her hands defeat.

"I think 'excited' is the wrong word, but okay."
Gem rested her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes and smiling. "Is this how parents feel when their child says their first word?" she ask.

"We should give them a name," That wasn't supposed to come out of my mouth, i mean, i was thinking about it but i said it out loud..
"Oh my god...Your right! We need to give them a name!!" She opened her eyes to look at me, and for a split second i thought i saw her eyes twinkle.

"How..about, beans?"

"Really, gem? beans??" i asked her again, i wanted to make sure i heard her correctly.
"There a little cute bean!! How can you say no to that name?" She claimed, "Come up with something yourself!"

"I don't know..."
"That's what i thought, leave the naming to me, etho." I watched as the female crossed her arms, and narrowed her eyes, she taking this too seriously.
It took a while, but by the look on her face, it looks like she found a name.
"How about...'Smallishbeans'." She said, as she started making jazz hands.

"Ehh.." She blinked a few times, looking at me dumbfounded, tilting her head a bit.
"Don' think naming them after their height, is a bit rude..?" She just stood there, staring at me. Creepy.

"I haven't thought about that..." She mumbled quietly to herself.
"Also, don't you think that name is a bit too long?" All she did was nod,
Gem cupped her hand, and then looked up at me. "Alright, since I gave them there name, you can make up a nickname for them!!"
At first, i thought she was joking about that name, but she's serious about 'Smallishbeans'
Maybe it would be the best if i choose something simple for a nickname.
Something that doesn't do with their height or beans...


"How about 'Joel'? It's simple, and easier to remember." Both gem and I looked at the creature, who is still sitting on the table, playing with their fingers.
"I like it! Joel!" She said, cupping her hands and smiling. The creature looked back at us and slightly smiled,

"Yeah, i like it too. And i think they like it as well."

[Hello!!! Happy pride month! I'm not part of the LGBTQ+ but i'm a ally!!! Anyways, i finished final exams so i'll be trying to post a chapter ones a week!!]

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