Finally Landing

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The creature held my arms tightly. We just landed and i want to leave but the creature didn't...

"Come on...please" the creature held themself, with their head hidden between there thighs. They hide themself like a turtle, they obviously didn't feel safe leaving this ship...

I took the creature's hands, and held them tightly.."Please, look at me.." i heard soft sobs coming from the alien...
", no, don't cry.." I pulled the creature off of the chair and hugged them tightly, "I'm sorry..i-i..-"

"I'll get you home, i promise..but for now, you'll stay here with me..." as soon as i get out of this ship, i'll find a way to get them back home..someway...
I picked up the creature, like a potato sack. Which i know it's rude but i desperately want to get out of here, i'm starting to get home sick! Even beef said 'Its obvious that you miss us and you're home, think your suffering for home sickness'.

The creature started kick their hands and legs, obviously wanting to me to let go..
I just ignored the creature efforts to escape. And walked outside of the ship.
As soon as i left the ship, i felt a tightly hug which ended quickly as it started, probably because of the creature i was holding.

I looked down and saw, a short, brunette man, bdubs. But he wasn't looking back at me, which i expected. Him and some of the other hermits, were eyeing the creature..

"Woah..." They were all looking at them. Bdubs, Impulse, Cleo, Xisuma, Jevin and Cub. They were scaring the poor thing, which wasn't on purpose.
But the creature was having a mental breakdown, their breath was shaky, their eyes were watery, they were holding me tightly. The poor thing was terrified...
"Are they okay...?" X asked, obviously taking notice to the panicked creature.

"They're just scared.." I answered, still holding the creature, who rapped four of their arms around me. Obviously still scared.
"Here, let me take them away, while you change and get a bit to eat." cleo offered.

As much as i want to take a break and chill out, i can't just leave the creature here. Even tho, i trust cleo and i know that she'll treat the creature with nothing but kindness.
But the creature is terrified, i can't just leave them there. Not when i'm the only one they trust...

"Thanks for the offer cleo, but i can't leave them, they have abandonment issue..." it felt weird saying that..but it's truth. Ever since we met, they never left my side..
"Etho. You need rest, and food. I'm pretty sure cub and cleo can take care of this creature...while you rest." I hesitated, i wasn't sure if i should leave the creature with them..."Sorry..i can't leave them."

Was i being selfish? i should listen to X but at the some time i don't want to..!
I didn't know what to do..i was lost in my own thoughts but then i heard growling and hissing, which caused me to snap out. I didn't even realize the fact that the creature left my grip. They weren't happy about being grabbed by impulse, and i was about to go and hold them and tell them that they will be okay. But X pulled me aside, "Come on..let's get you out of this suit."




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