A Plan I Need To Think About..

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A weight lifted off of my shoulders, and it felt good. I finally felt relaxed.
I sense gem's hands rub my back, "Maybe you should go back home and rest, looks like you need it." She was right, i definitely need rest but...this is not the right time, i need to make sure the creature is in one piece. No scars. No burn marks. No physical injuries of some sort.

That was my main priority, right now.

I lifted the top left arm of the creature, and turned them around to make sure there was nothing on their back. And found nothing. Which is a good thing, they weren't hurt while they were in that gas.

But something stood out about the creature's body. It was frozen, just like ice. At first i though it was the AC's but if you pay really close attention to the AC's in the room, you can tell these were made for normal everyday use. They weren't build for things like this.
Maybe this is how the creature's body responses to the cool air of this room. By the looks of it; the creature does well in chilly weather.

I had to remind myself to make a temporary note about this, perhaps this will be in handy in the future.

after a few minutes, i realised, i haven't answered gem..What was she talking about again..? Something about rest..i think. Yeah, i think that's right...

"Uhm..i'm alright.."

The response i got was a small giggle coming from the ginger haired female, "Mhm, sure you are."
"No, really-" i was cut off by the sound of the door getting opened, both me and gem turned our heads and saw cub standing there at the doorway, awkwardly.

"Uhm..Gem do you mind if i steal etho for a minute.." The ginger head looked at me and then eyed the creature.."Sure, okay.." gem walked away, slowly..She took her time. But when she actually left the room, i felt a chilling feeling on the back of my neck, and it wasn't the good kind..



We stood there, in a awkward silence. Just staring at each other..Cub was the first to break the silence, "First of all, i'm sorry for putting the creature in danger..." He took a few steps forward but then stopped when he reached the edge of the table. Keep a distance between us, "I'll think about accepting your apology.." Was that mean? i wasn't sure, he's a friend of mine but he risked the creature life..."Alright, but we need to talk about something important.."
Not gonna lie, this peaked my interest.

I saw cub's hand moving towards the creature, and my instincts kicked in, causing me to slapped his hand off of the creature. "Talk, cub." He stayed silent for a moment, before taking a deep breath. "Me and X, were talking, and we thought it might be the best if you take the creature to your house.."

My house..?

That's interesting..

"Can't we just keep them here? It's much safer than my house." Now that i think more about it, in NASA's lab there are more tools that could help the creature. What are they supposed to do in my house?
"Well, true it is safer but the creature trusts you more than us..It will be easier to do some tests on them, if they stay with you."
I need to think hard about this, i can't just bring them home with me, it's dangerous. If they stay here, i can't come vest them everyday, and i also don't want a bunch of calls asking me to come over.

"I don't know about this, cub.." I watched him get closer to me, he placed his hand on my back, and gave me a light pat on my back. "Think about it, come talk to me or X when you are ready." After that, i watched him leave the room. Gem entered the room a few seconds later..

The ginger female came in running towards me, "What did he say? Tell me! Tell me! pleaseeeee?" She begged, and clingged on my arm, hugged it tightly. "It's nothing- wait..." I took a good look at the female standing in front of me..I know gem, and she's a responsible person, maybe she can help me take care of the creature. Even tho she lives an hour away from me, but i think we can make it work. "Heyy, gem..Can you help me with something?" The female didn't even hesitate to nod her head. Her eyes lit up with joy, "Mhm, yeah i'll help!"
Okay! great, how i am i going to tell her without getting her too excited, "I was wondering...maybe, if you don't mind, can you help me take care of the creature...?"

A soft smile grew on the ginger's face, "How i am i going to help you?" That was a good question, what are we going to do? how can we help the creature? I didn't have a answer to that question, yet. "Look, cub asked me to take the creature home with me, but i'm not a 100% sure if i'll will but if i do take them. I want you to help me take care of them." She hummed softly, before nodded.

"Of course, i'll help." A smile grew on her face, she turned away from me, so she can face the creature, who delicately lead on top of the table with a grayish coat covering the bottom half of there body. "I'll have talk to X, first." The ginger haired female let go of my arm, and then lightly slapped my back, "Go get them tiger!"

And with that confidence boost, i made my way out the room, and re entered the creepy hallway of pipes. I quickly got out of this hallway, i didn't want to see this hallway in my nightmares. So i made my way out as fast as possible, and entered the main room were we found the creature in. I saw tango surrounded by: bdubs, impulse, pearl, cleo and joe. I also glanced at the glass room, which now was gasless. I awkwardly and slowly made my way out without getting noticed by them.

I hopped in the elevator, and pressed the second button. There were stairs, which cub made us run down but it's faster if i used the elevator. As soon as i heard a ding noise, and watch the door slide open. I walked out, and made my way through the hallway,

I stopped waking shortly after i spotted a dark green door with bones used to make an X.

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