Chapter 66-70

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Chapter 66 Planning

    The news of Ziegge's pregnancy can't be hidden from others. The fourth elder brother was so happy at the time that he didn't issue a ban order at all, and rewarded Qi Yue's servants in the yard for two months. The news spread in the backyard at that time.

    Although it is not as big as Fujin rewarding the whole house with money for three months when she was pregnant, it is still the same as when Da Gege was born. It will be compared to that before she is born. If she really gives birth to a son and a half, Then climb to the front immediately.

    Si Gege's favorite, just looking at these things can make people speechless, not to mention the well-informed servants in the dining room and sewing room, now they are cleaning the outer courtyard, and everyone who sees Zigger in the yard rushes to flatter please.

    It is also because of this that the other Ge Ge and concubines in the backyard have been moving out baskets of broken porcelain these days.

    Among them, Li Gege's house was the most discarded. Originally, she was the first to be favored in the backyard. Big Gege was born again, and at the beginning of the year, the flamboyant one dared to argue with Fujin, but who knew that Ziggie suddenly appeared.

    She entered the mansion quietly, and fell into the eyes of the master after being favored for the first time. She would go to her house six or seven times out of ten times a month, and Li Gege's courtyard seldom came.

    Afterwards, I went on a tour with him, let alone when I came back, the only one in Gou's master's eyes was her. If it wasn't for Li Gege relying on his stomach, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to see the face of the fourth elder brother once.

    In private, Li Gege didn't know how many times he and his maid laughed at Qi Yue as an eggless little hen, but now that she was pregnant, Li Gege was instantly pissed off.

    First he smashed all the porcelain in the room, and then followed the anger and scolded the kneeling servants.

    "Look at it, look at it, it looks like it's about to climb on top of me, why do you want me to bear it?" Li Gege laughed back angrily, and the sound of slapping his palm on the table was loud.

    Chuncai and Chunhua have been kneeling on the ground for a long time, now it is November weather, even if there is a stove, the ground is still cold after kneeling for a long time, the cold air below seems to soak into her knees along the clothes, Chunhua lowered his head and thought hard, he had to get up quickly, and if he knelt down again, his legs might get sick.

    She raised her eyes and carefully looked at Li Gege's stomach, secretly muttering in her heart that she is not afraid of hurting the child if she is so angry, child, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but come up with an idea.

    Chunhua hurriedly endured the pain and walked a few steps to Li Gege, persuading in front of everyone: "Gege must remember to take care of yourself, be careful to get angry, brother!" Seeing that

    Li Gege noticed her, Chunhua cleverly used He quietly pointed to the three girls kneeling behind him with his hand, and opened his mouth a few times, which meant that he had something to say.

    After Li Gege waved her away, she expressed her loyalty: "Ge Ge, now Zi Gege is pregnant, and she is favored by the master, I'm afraid no matter how much we fight, we can't do anything to her.

    " In a word, if it wasn't for the lack of any porcelain around me, it would have been smashed over, "You still have to say that, get out!" I thought this girl had some good idea, but in the end it still poked her heart.

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