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  I take a breath,trying to calm myself.I gave this useless clone a simple task and he failed it.I mentioned and repeated him many times that if something happens with darling he follows one of the other clones.The other clone failed the most simple task I could've ever give him so I had to..do some small changes at him.

I made some changes at his commands and made him go crazy.He eventually couldn't take it anymore and I had to lock him up.All the other clones found out and got so scared they're always scared when I give them tasks to complete.And now,that this useless clone had one job to make sure my darling is okay and failed,I'll have to make some changes.

He is so scared.He's trembling.We'll talk soon about this.I locked him in his room and now I'm walking towards the room I share with my dear.I have to ask her some things.She already met with the Traveler and his companion.I have to ask her some details from their meeting.They could be dangerous for her..

I step in our room and my view falls on the bed where I notice her body with her back turned to me.Oh she must be sleeping.It seems it's not the time to ask questions.I'll ask her tomorrow then.

I start undressing,taking off my gray coat,my blue shirt underneath,my boots and my black pants,changing into another pair of pants and staying shirtless.All the sounds of clothes moving woke my darling up.She lazily turns around and looks at me."Hey" she says with a yawn.

"Hi my dear.Sorry for waking you up" I say as I get under the warm blanket."Mm no it's fine" she says with a smile as she moves closer to me."Can you tell me more about who you met today darling?" I ask and she nods."Sure well I told you how they look like and everything but I have a question" she says.

"Who is that lady that keeps appearing everywhere? I've seen her in Liyue Harbor,in Snezhnaya City,and now here in Sumeru city too.Who is she?" She asks and I frown."Who are you talking about dear?" I ask and she explains me how she looks like.Oh.Katherine.

"She's a robot my dear.She's like my clones but different.She's a robot,her name is Katherine and she's in every region of Teyvat" I say and she nods."Oh okay.Now back to my story.I was walking on the main path of Sumeru city when I bumped into the blonde boy.His friend,the little girl recognized me and said that I'm the girl from earlier" she says.

"The girl from earlier?" I ask."Yes.Because we saw each other when they met with your clone.Him and his friend left so when we met they asked me what was I doing behind your clone" she says and I nod.Oh no..

"And I said that I know you and that we actually live together.After I said that they quickly left.." she says,small sadness in her tone."Oh dear it's alright.You don't have to be sad for this.They don't deserve to be your friends anyway" I say and she looks up at me with those beautiful eyes.

"What do you mean?" She asks."Just be careful alright? There are all kinds of people out there that can easily fool you.Be careful who you talk with" I say and she nods."Let's go to bed now yeah? You must be tired" I say and she nods,moving even closer and resting her head on my bare chest.

"Goodnight dear" I say as I move my fingers through her soft hair and she smiles happily."Goodnight Dottore.I love you" she says and closes her eyes.Oh my dear..you sound so genuine.You're so precious.My precious foolish girl. "I love you too" I say and some moments later she falls asleep,peacefully resting on my chest.

She already met with them.I have to be even more cautious now.They know about her and they know that we live together.Who knows..maybe they are planning something.I have to be careful with my darling.She's so precious and fragile I have to take great care of her.My beloved girl.

—Days later,Y/n—
I wake up,opening my eyes and looking up at the ceiling.I feel cold..let me cuddle close to Dottore.I turn to his side only to meet an empty spot.Oh..he's not here.I slowly get up from the bed,rubbing my eyes lazily.I yawn and I lay back down on the bed.

I wonder where Dottore went.I miss him..

I suddenly hear footsteps on the corridor and I turn to look at the door which opens revealing Dottore.I smile lazily and he looks at me with a small smile."Morning my dear" he says and sits down on the corner of the bed,bending down to kiss my forehead."Good morning.Where did you go?" I ask and I look up in his crimson eyes.

"I had to take care of some things dear.Sorry if I made you wait" he says and I nod with a smile,extending my hand to hold his cheek."It's okay.What are we doing today?" I ask and he looks at me with a surprised looks but then quickly returns to his usual."I don't have anything planned dear" he says."Oh.." I look down,kind of disappointed.

I thought we'll do many things today."What do you want to do though?" He asks and I think for a second."Oh! We can sit here and cuddle and maybe you can tell me about your experiments?" I say and he looks at me for a moment then nods."Sounds good" he says and I smile."Let's go have breakfast now dear" he says and I nod,getting up from the bed.

We walk in the kitchen in silence where I see that the table is already set.Dottore knows to cook? I turn to look at him and he chuckles."What dear? You thought I don't know to cook?" He asks."Not really..that's so nice though" I say with a smile.He drags the chair out for me and I sit down,him sitting down next to me some seconds later.

"Eat up now dear.It'll get cold" he says and I nod,taking my fork and digging in.Mmm woah! This is so good! "Wow this is so good" I say and he smiles at me."I'm glad you like it dear" he says and watches me,drinking something from his mug from time to time.I soon finish eating my breakfast and I wipe my mouth with a tissue.

"Thank you Dottore.It was delicious" I say and I plant a kiss on his cheek.He smiles and nods."I'm glad you enjoyed it darling.Now now,let's go back" he says."But what about you?" I ask and he looks in my eyes."I already had my breakfast dear don't worry about me" he says and I nod.I get up from my seat,taking my plate and placing it in the sink.

Then,we go back to our bedroom when I suddenly start feeling weird."Dottore?" I ask and he rushes to my side."Are you alright my dear?" He asks."I..I don't know.I feel weird.." I say and I place a hand on my stomach."Oh..maybe you just ate too fast.You'll be okay yeah?" He asks and I nod."Yes.." I say.

I can feel my eyelids slowly closing.I try my best to keep them open but it's becoming harder and harder.I place a hand on his chest and I weakly look up at him."I feel..tired.." I say and I see his worried face before everything went black.

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