Robin x Y/N "Devil and Monster child"

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This is a very peaceful day...wonder how long it will last though

Sighing to myself I chuckled as Luffy, Franky, Usopp and Chopper running around having fun chasing each other and dancing

I was sitting along side Nami and Robin sun bathing with drinks in our hands made by Sanji

"Jeez even in hot days like this they're  always so energetic" Nami sighed and groaned as Robin chuckled

"They always have been" she answered

"Let them be Nami it's not like everyday we get to enjoy a peaceful weather without a warlord, Marine or any random Pirates chasing after us" I chuckled as so did Robin nodding In agreement

"Well...I guess your right...who knows maybe another warlord would appear tomorrow"

Usopp heard that and yelled accusing and pointing at her

"Hey! I heard that Don't jinx us Nami! Both you and Robin really know how to scare us even in sunny days like this!"

We all laughed and apologized to Usopp

Well...minus Nami of course..

"Oii Lunch is ready! Come and get them!" Sanji opened up the Kitchen door and a second later Luffy was already there gobbling up all the foods in the table

Sanji was quick to kick him in the head with a comedic angry face scolding him to show some manners
especially if he is eating at the table.

But alas our dear young captain doesn't know how or when to listen
he is a stubborn guy after all

giving up and sighed to himself Sanji left Luffy alone and went on to continue cooking more dishes.

I was right beside Luffy and on my other side sits Nami whom was making a disgusted face whenever she faces Luffy wolfing down ten meals at the same time

"Ughh the way Y/N, I have noticed for quite some to time now"

"Hmm??" I hummed and looked towards her signaling her to continue on the question, she sighed.

"what I meant was...I've seen and noticed that Robin has been keeping her eye on you for a while now"

Come to think of it .... yeah Nami was right I myself have sometimes caught her staring at me though back then
yet I never honestly minded it beforehand thinking that maybe it was just a coincidence

But oh boy was I terribly wrong..

Because apparently for a while now...Robin has been a bit more .. physical with me

more affectionate even compared to Chopper

whenever she is around Chopper of course she would carry him, hug and cuddle him, give him cute small little kisses on his forehead but that's about it

It's wholesome of course but in MY case...well's quite different

Yes she is a bit more affectionate than usual, a bit more touchy and also she just doesn't kiss me on the head

but also around my neck, shoulders, my hands and even closely to my lips!

well I shouldnt be surprised...Robin is a very open minded person after all..

at first it was fine but the more everyone points it out to me the more it gets me confused and make my brain all jambled up

my feelings are also mixed up and I couldn't understand what was happening

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