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THE SUN CAST THROUGH THE huge spherical window as Hinako groaned slightly sitting up, the brown haired girl covered her mouth as she stifled a yawned when her eyes landed on the other side of the futon to see that if was empty

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THE SUN CAST THROUGH THE huge spherical window as Hinako groaned slightly sitting up, the brown haired girl covered her mouth as she stifled a yawned when her eyes landed on the other side of the futon to see that if was empty.

This time she sat up straight in panic, she was supposed to be awake before Soo-Won and yet there was no sign of Soo-Won. Quickly standing up Hinako rushed out of the room only to stumble as she ran into someone.

Hinako rubbed her head slightly as she bowed apologetically, "I'm Sorry! I didn't see you there!" She looked up to see the same girl from yesterday, the one who was talking to adviser Kye-Sook.

"No I'm apologize Lady Hinako!" The women bowed down as Hinako looked at her frantically, "But I was the one that bumped into you!" Hinako protested waving her hands around a look of distress plastered across her face, The women looked at Hinako before laughing softly.

"Did I say something wrong?" Hanako questioned sombrely, "No It's just I used to work at one of the Lords house before I was offered a job here, It's almost refreshing to see how kind you are! Your just like Lord Soo-Won!"

"I don't know about that..." Hinako mumbled sheepishly rubbing her neck.

"Anyway you look agitated, is something wrong?" The women questioned looking at Hinako a little concerned, "It's just I was supposed to be awake before Lord Soo-Won but when I woke up he was already gone!"

The women sent her a look of pity, "I'm afraid no one can wake up before that man. Trust me when I say this, I was once scared to death when I came to the palace at 4 in the morning to find him awake."

"Oh," Hinako mumbled curiosity lacing her voice.

"Anyway my name is Rukio and I'm one of your handmaidens," Rukio introduced bowing her head slightly in respect, Hinako fumbled asking her to raise her head, it was still new to her people bowing down to her. At the earth tribe titles didn't exactly matter much.

"Since your up let's get you ready!" Rukio exclaimed as she pulled Hinako with her towards the dressing room, more then 6 handmaidens were present there including Kaori-san. All of them bowed to her before the got to work.

Apparently since it was her first day as the Lady of the palace she was supposed to look extra grand.

Never and Hinako meant never in her life had getting ready been this awkward and stressful.

At first they let her have 15 mins to herself to for a fresh up like using the washroom and brushing her teeth and things like that.

But once she was done they pulled her and stripped her naked. You heard it, Hinako barely had the time to cover herself with her hands when she was shoved into a bath tub filled with warm water.

Kaori-San and two others wanted to help her with washing her hair and all but Hinako begged them to let her do it herself and so they left her alone.

Hinako soaked in the warm water for about 30 mins straight, yesterday had seriously taken a toll on her and even a full night's sleep didn't seem to do any good to her aching muscles.

Not that she really slept because she was painfully aware of the other body sleeping beside her. It was probably past midnight that she actually fell asleep.

Using a towel Hinako wiped herself before applying moisturizer. Once she was done with that gulping she wrapped herself tightly with the towel before stepping out.

But once again the handmaidens struck, the pulled the towel before dressing her up in a pink kimono that was equally as heavy as the wedding dress she had worn the previous day.

By the time they had wrapped her in the kimono, Hinako's hair had dried up. Once done with the cloth they moved up to her hair, tugging it and pulling it up in a tight bun.  When Hinako thought that it was finally over, one of the handmaiden stepped forward with a trinket that held eyeliner.

Hinako eyed herself in the mirror, she was all dolled up, heavy kimono check, fancy hairstyle check, equally heavy jewelry check, heavy makeup check. 

Was this actually going to be her life from now on? Hinako thought as she stumbled out of the room with Rukio on her tail. 

"Sorry about them they can sometimes...overdo stuff," Rukio apologized as she smiled sheepishly, "Oh no no problem at all," Hinako mumbled dizzily. 

"Rukio, I thought I asked you to get me those scrolls," Kye-Sook frowned popping out of no where, the blonde's eyes widened, "I totally forgot! I'll get it in a second Lord Kye-Sook!" Rukio mumbled as she rushed out of there leaving Hinako alone with the stoic Adviser.

"Morning," Hinako greeted the adviser who gave her a one over before nodding his slightly, the duo stood in awkward silence before adviser Kye-Sook, "What are you waiting for?"

"Umm Rukio is supposed to tell me what to do next," Hinako mumbled fidgeting with her hand, Advisor Kye-Sook had a very intimidating aura, his average-height literally towered over Hinako his violet eyes piercing her.

Though Hinako didn't let that intimate her, 'When the tiger forgets who he is, he get's  intimidated by a simple chair, you Hinako are a tiger, know your worth!' That's what her father used to say and so Hinako was going to stick by it.

Kye-Sook suddenly sighed before he started looking around when his eyes landed on Min-Soo walking their way holding a tray of tea, the adviser signalled him towards them, "Yes Lord Kye-Sook?"

Kye-Sook took the tray from him and handed to Hinako, "Hold this," Kye-Sook then took a hold of Hinako's wrist dragging her through the corridors before abruptly stopping at one of the door.

Harshly opening the door Kye-Sook shoved Hinako inside, "Go spend some time with your husband," Hinako let out a gasp as she stumbled inside, what was with Adviser Kye-Sook and shoving people?

Due to the heavy garments she had on Hinako felt herself loose balance as she went stumbling inside when suddenly two pairs of hands reached out stopping her.

Hinako's eyes shot up as she came face to face with her Husband.

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