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FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS HINAKO was very busy, the rebuilding of the garden took more effort than she thought, but Hinako knew that it was all worth it

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FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS HINAKO was very busy, the rebuilding of the garden took more effort than she thought, but Hinako knew that it was all worth it.

To begin with she decided not the completely break down the original and build on it but rather that she would build around the design. The garden of Aion symbolized King Joo-Nam's love for Queen Mei and destroying the garden was like destroying the symbol of their love.

Even though Hinako wanted to do they whole thing, even the manual labour by herself, Adviser Kye-Sook advised strongly against it seeing as she was King Soo-Won's wife and the Queen of Kouka kingdom now and so guards were kept to help her out.

Hinako first started out with the fountain place in the middle of the garden, the fountain was drained out of the rain water it had been collecting before it was given a through wash down.

As it turned out not everything it the garden couldn't be salvaged, the fountain was so run down and cracked that it couldn't be repaired and so that along with the wall that surrounded the garden were two things that were going to be replaced.

Apart from that everything else was going to remain as it was, and Hinako thanks to Rukio's help was able to find a marble fountain with the exact same design as the original one.

Then came the actual garden, Hinako started out with soil preparation which included plowing, leveling, and manuring of the soil before it was ready for the seed and plants to be sowed.

In about 2 weeks the soil was prepared with the building of the surrounding wall down, now it was time to get some plants and seed.

"You want to do to the royal capital?" Soo-Won asked looking up from his paper work, Hinako nodded her head firmly, "In order to rebuild the garden I need plants and seedling, there a nursery in town from where I used to ask father to get plants whenever he visited for the council meeting."

Soo-Won looked thoughtful for a while, "Alright, But I'll let you go one one condition," Hinako tilted her head curiously as Soo-Won grinned happily.


"You didn't have to come along you know," Hinako mumbled timidly as Soo-Won sat beside her grinning in the carriage, "Nonsense! Besides this let's me off the paper work Kye-Sook has piled up for me." Soo-Won mumbled the last part.

Getting out of the carriage the couple made their way into the empty nursery that had been cleared out on the account that the King and Queen themselves were visiting their humble store.

"King Soo-Won, Lady Hinako," The florist was humble looking man in his late 40's and next to him was his wife who smiled at her, but Hinako already knew the couple from the numerous times she had visited them, "Mr and Mrs Sato!"

"We are so honoured that the King and Queen have come to visit our Nursery," Mr Sato said with a good naturally smile, "Congratulations on the wedding," Mrs Sato wished them, Hinako smiled at them politely, "Thank you."

Soo-Won stayed behind to chat with Mr Sato as Mrs Sato grabbed onto Hinako's arms leading her into the nursery, something about showing her the new plants that had arrived.

Though for some odd reason when though Soo-Won was deeply invested in the conversation he was having with Mr Sato his attention seemed to drifting way too much towards the burnette that was gazing with admiration at the plants in front of her.

Soo-Won found his attention drifting away from the conversation a few more times than he cared to admit, his sea blue green eyes looking up across the rooms to look at Hinako browse through the blooms. 

He hadn't really gotten much of a chance to see her since she started working on rebuilding his grandmother's garden, only seeing each other during dinner of while going to be.

The morning sun's rays peeked through the windows and every once in a while Hinako would step into that light to look at a new display. The soft light made her brown hair seem to faintly glow, the rays casting a warm light over her pale skin. 

He watched the way she would reach out for a flower, letting her finger feel the soft petals. She was so gentle with them that they hardly moved underneath her touch. 

Her polished gaze seemed to follow every line and seam of each leaf or petal she touched. Maybe it was the way she touched the flowers or the wonders the sun light was doing to, but Soo-Won couldn't help but stare just a few seconds longer every time his eyes landed on his wife.

Unknown the best to him was how that his wasn't the only wandering gaze because it so happened that morning light had been kind to him too.

Soon even he found himself joining her as she browsed through the plants picking out the once she liked. Hinako started to list out the characteristics of the plant, gesturing to it as Soo-Won nodded his  gaze firmly on her.

Suddenly a flower caught his eyes, Soo-Won reached forward plucking the red flower before he looked towards Hinako who was looking at him curiously. With a soft smile he leaned forwards tucking the strand of her brown hair behind her ear before tucking the flower there.

Hinako's cheeks flushed a deep red, her brown gaze shining as Soo-Won admired her face and cherished the red hue across her face. "Beautiful..." Soo-Won mumbled under his breath as Hinako shot him a guilty, "Umm Lord Soo-Won..."

"I wasn't supposed to pluck that was I?" Soo-Won questioned his smile upturned a bit in amusement, Hinako shook her head sheepishly, "Oh well I supposed we'd just have to buy this then," Soo-Won lifted the potted plant before placing it in the wagon.

It was safe to say that Soo-Won's day was well spent...but Kye-Sook would have had to disagree.

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