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           ★IRENE IMANI JONES★           SCHOOL📍 9:49 P

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SCHOOL📍 9:49 P.M.

Irene was and very pretty girl, her smile was very appealing and attractive. She was the quiet type and was also a stay to self person. She lived with her brother Shawn who was oh so strict on her and she hated it.

But it's been like that ever since her parents died in a car accident. She was very young when the accident occurred so it didn't hit her as much as it hit her big brother Shawn.

The only thing that could keep her out of her thoughts was drawing. She hated being in her mind so It was the only thing that could keep her out of it. She hated when, she overthinks about things. But overall Irene was and confident,Independent girl.

"Irene I'm gonna need your book report, I'll give you this weekend to finish it but I can't give you anymore extra time that isn't fair to the rest of the class" Ms.Avery spoke catching Irene's attention.

"Ok uh, I'll make sure to get done" Irene spoke softly as she stuffed her notebook into her bag.

Irene stood from her seat making her way to the door leaving out pushing through the crowded hallway. All she could smell was the sour odor of the hallway that was filled with students.

Once she finally reached her second class period she took her usual seat in the back. Irene always went to class early she liked to get some alone time before class.

Irene place her headphones in each ear playing her go to playlist by Stunna Gambino.

Humming along to the music Irene soon felt someone remove her ear piece from her ear, quickly turning her head in that direction facing and light brown skinned boy.

She studied his pleasant smile his face was very angelic as if he was innocent which he wasn't. Irene knew him to hang around with gang members but not that it was her business.

"Excuse me?" Irene finally spoke.

"Didn't even know you could speak for real" the boy smiled.

Irene slightly smiled before speaking. "So are you gonna tell me why you interrupted my music" she raised and brow in confusion.

"Seen you all alone thought you maybe needed company" the boy shrugged.

"You see me almost like everyday in this class period, why is this your first time speaking to me?" She asked.

"What I can't chat with a pretty girl my heart" he told watching as the girl nibbled on her bottom lip.

Irene was never nervous when it came to talking to boys or even people In general, she just wasn't and talkative person. But it was kinda a weird to her how he all of a sudden wanted to speak to her.

"My heart?" Irene chuckled repeating what the boy just said. "Could I get my ear piece back" Irene smiled.

"I'll give it back, but In exchange you gotta give me your number" the boy told before looking down at the ear piece that was in the palm of his hand.

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