Chapter 4 - Was it a mistake?

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That morning, he wished he could dig a hole and die. Relistening to his voice message made him realise how strangely sensual it sounded. Would it count as sexual harassment? He didn't mean it at all, but intentions don't matter when the damage is done. That was probably why he didn't receive a reply. She must've been so uncomfortable, he surmised. He quickly decided to meet her as soon as possible to apologize in person. He grabbed his school bag and ran out of his house.

His parents that were holding up dumbbells called out after him, asking if he was skipping their daily working out session. He waved and shouted an apology before leaving. He would have to make up for missing their exercise once he got home. His parents became exercise freaks when they promised to spend more time with him. Kana was often dragged into these activities, but she seemed to enjoy them more than he did.

Somehow, he managed to find her on the way to school. He had no idea what time she left her house, or what route she used to go to school, so finding her this quick was a stroke of luck.

... Or maybe his eyes had gotten better at looking for her.

The sunrise hued sky washed on the pair. He'd never been out of his house this early before, so seeing the sky like that was unusual to him.

She stopped and turned, sensing his presence. Yuki huffed and puffed, out of breath from trying to look for her. He looked back up, locking eyes with her. She seemed concerned, taking out her water bottle for him to drink. He refused her offer, claiming that he was fine. Finally on his feet again, he bowed down to apologise.

She moved her hands in panic, looking around if people were watching. Haru pushed him back to standing position, a face riddled with confusion. Yuki paused, realising he forgot to explain himself. "Uhm, my text to you yesterday... the good night one... that might've been too much. I'm sorry." She tilted her head and opened up her phone, replaying the voice message. Yuki snatched her phone from her hand, embarrassed. "D- don't do that! I'm sorry, okay?"

She giggled, putting her hand out so he could give her her phone back. He pouted. "Nope!"

She stared at him blankly, her hands still in the air. She lessened the distance between them, preparing to speak.

"... Your message... was the first time a friend said good night to me. I'm very happy with it, so... you don't have to be sorry," she whispered. It was the only thing I could hold on to.

A gentle smile spread across her face. With her hand still held out, he returned her phone. She immediately replayed the audio again, causing him to chase after her for a good few minutes or so. He didn't realise she was so mischievous! He finally deleted his message, ending the battle.

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