Chapter 30 - The Girl With A Frozen Heart

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Vermilion leaves scattered in the streets, the world was now dyed in hues of browns. Two pairs of white shoes crunched the weathered leaves beneath them. Haru shivered as she dragged Kana by the hand out the door. It was the dawn of a new school day. The time for winter uniforms!

Their sleeves were longer, and they wore a dark blazer over their white collared shirt. The skirt was no longer a pinafore, now a separated piece, longer than its summer counterpart. Haru quite liked the winter uniform.

Kana yawned, her movements slow and sluggish. "Haru... you didn't have to wake me up too... you could've just went ahead without me..."

Haru turned, her hand fiddling with her scarf. "I wanted to go to school with you..."

Kana retorted. "Aw... doesn't change the fact that we could've woken up later..."

"And be late together?" Haru asked.

"Yeah! Doesn't that sound fun?!" Kana suggested, her arms wrapping around Haru's shoulders. "Yeah... it does..." came a raspy voice next to them.

Kana almost punched the source of the voice. Luckily, it was Yuki. He yawned. "Morning..."

Kana stared at him in disbelief. Even without looking at her face Yuki already knew what she was thinking. "Haru barged into my room and woke me up too while she was waiting for you," he explained, his tone tragic. Kana grabbed his hand, somber and gentle. "So we're both victims..."

"I... I wanted to start my first day returning to school by seeing you..." Haru hurriedly explained.

She felt a hand pinch her cheek. "Hehe! We know!" Kana said. Kana smoothed out the edges on Haru's skirt. "You should go get your clothes from your place. My clothes are way too big on you. Want me to come with after school?"

Haru froze. She hadn't seen her mother yet. Her mother had been informed of what she tried to do, but never tried reaching out to her either. She took a deep breath and nodded. She shouldn't delay the inevitable.

Her true freedom awaited beyond the confrontation.

... Probably.


Haru calmed her stormy heart, standing right outside her classroom door. She mustered her courage and slowly slid the door open. She hadn't felt this nervous in a while. Haru anxiously giggled; she thought she had conquered her social anxieties a long time ago.

... What if they don't want to see me anymore? I lied to them, right? About how everything was fine?

Her heartbeat quickening, she opened her eyes.


Overlapping choirs of enthusiastic voices shouting her name surrounded her as she stepped in. Their volume overwhelmed her ears, every individual voice like colours on a canvas. The gentle sun illuminating the classroom greeted her too, kind and warm.

Even though they were loud, these voices...

She smiled.

They weren't unpleasant at all.

Arms tightened around her, she was safe. A classmate clutched her hands. "We'll all pitch in!"

Haru tilted her head.

"We've all decided to help you collect money so you can support yourself!"

Haru whispered in disbelief. "Why would any of you do that...?"

They didn't hear her ask that question. Haru didn't really need an answer, a part of her already knew what it was. She was sick of doubting others, yet it was still so hard to believe them.

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