Chapter 5 - A New Friend!

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Nearing the school's entrance, groups of students began to pool. Haru realised that she was walking with a friend to school, without her having to ask for it! Her eyes flew over the rest of the students, walking in pairs or groups. She's just like them now, she thought, a gleeful smile plastered on her face. She turned to look at Yuki as he struggled to untangle the wires of his earphones. He hadn't gone wireless yet, it seemed. After much difficulty, the gods have finally blessed him with untangled earphones. He plugged it in, offering one side of the bud to her. "Wanna listen?" he asked.

After watching his tiresome battle, she felt it inappropriate to refuse. She nodded, putting it on. It was a cheerful, relaxing song, suitable for the beginning of the day. "Oops," Yuki accidentally pulled the bud out of her ear after he put his on. It appeared that the wires weren't long enough to support their height difference. Yet another reason he should've gone wireless. Kana would tease him for this incident for days to come.

He laughed, "I never thought I'd ever have to face an issue like this. Kana was my height, so sharing my earbud with her was never a problem. I guess I never noticed how monstrously tall Kana was for a girl!" Haru giggled, her mental image of Kana becoming even clearer. She had been told of her existence the day before, but didn't know how she looked like.

"Monstrously tall? At least say it's sexy, I'm the normal height for models, you know!" A firm whack on Yuki's head immediately sent him to the ground. Haru turned to view the source of the loud voice. An incredibly tall girl with short, messy hair graced her eyes. Her uniform was messily worn, and her socks were short, which was uncommon for female students of this school, who usually wore knee socks or thigh-highs.

The girl immediately began berating Yuki, not noticing Haru's existence. "Hey! You didn't tell me that we weren't walking together today! I waited so long just for your mom to tell me that you left a long time ago! You're lucky I'm an athlete, otherwise I totally would've been late!"

Yuki rose from the ground, rubbing the back of his head. "Shoot, I forgot... There was an emergency, so..." He shot Haru a glance as he said that. "I'll buy your lunch today! Forgive me, Sgt. Kana!" he continued dramatically. Kana wore a devilish expression on her face, causing Yuki to gulp. "Good, I'll take you up on that, soldier. You are dismissed." Yuki heaved a sigh of relief.

Kana turned, finally noticing Haru. Her eyes switched between Haru and Yuki, a knowing expression on her face. She nodded to herself, as if a conclusion had been drawn. "Kana, no," Yuki immediately said. "Are you sure...?" she replied teasingly.

Haru had no idea what was happening in that exchange. Yuki sighed. "Haru, this is Kana. I've told you about her already yesterday, but this is her... in the flesh. She's a pain in the butt but I'm forced to tolerate her every day because mom loves her." She interrupted, "Nah, it's cause you love me. Say it!" Yuki ignored her. Haru giggled. They seemed to have a warm relationship, she thought. It would be nice if she were to one day be as close to the both of them like they were.

"And Kana, this is Haru. We're friends, and it'd be nice if you and Haru could get along." He looked again, immediately realising that Haru wasn't standing there anymore. His eyes instantly darted to the nearest tree, her silhouette peeping out from behind it. When in the world did she move back there?

Kana laughed and grabbed Haru's hand, shaking it energetically. "Nice to meetcha, lucky charm! I'll take good care of you!"

Lucky charm? Haru assumed it was another interesting quirk of Kana's to call people random nicknames, so she smiled and bowed in return. Kana's a lot more explosive in terms of personality than she was expecting, but she was nice. She was afraid of meeting a new person, but Kana's entrance was so immediate that there was no time to cower. Haru was a little grateful for that.

Kana whispered in Yuki's ear. "So that's why you kept asking me about her? You should've told me earlier if you wanted us to befriend her! Why'd you keep it a secret? You can't just hoard a cutie like her to yourse-" Yuki pushed her face away. "Cause you'd tease me. Do you really think I'd give you ammo just like that?"

Kana pouted, unable to retort. She held Haru's hand and whisked her off towards the school gates. "Last one there has to buy us all ice cream!" Yuki panicked, "What- No fair- The both of you got a headstart!" He ran after them eagerly.

The sun had risen, standing high in the sky. Haru had never felt a bigger rush of adrenaline than this her entire life. She wished to be able to hold this hand for as long as she can, pushing away all her worries to the side.

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