Chapter 8 - Conversation Masterclass!

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Haru stepped down the stairs, attracted by the sounds of cutlery against plates and a smell too alluring to ignore. Kana had already left the bed they were sharing, leading Haru to assume that she was elsewhere in the house.

Well, it was also a possibility that she was thrown away already. Haru bit the thought down, noting that they'd probably at least keep her around for a few months.

Kana looked up from what she was doing. "Oh, Haru! Good morning!" She beckoned her to get closer. "Look, I've made several batches of chocolates already!"

Haru tilted her head. "Valentine's Day is the day after tomorrow, remember?" Kana added. "I'm making chocolates for my entire class so that I'll get a crap ton of White Day return chocolates!"

The petite girl giggled. Quite the unpure motive to have for chocolate-gifting on Valentine's Day. The day she thought celestial immediately seemed like a joke.

"Wanna make one for Yuki?" Kana asked out of the blue.

Kana waited for a reaction from the girl, but all she received was a blank stare. Kana bit back her laughter, "Pfft... I'm– I'm making one for him too. It's tradition for us to exchange friendship chocolates, don't worry..."

She watched as the blood that had left the girl's face returned to give it life once more. Just then, an idea entered Haru's mind. She hesitated wording it, but she managed to say it out loud anyway.

"Can I... make one for my entire class too?"

"Sure! We have plenty of ingredients to go around!" Kana removed her gloves and inched closer. "What, you want a lot of return chocolates too?"

"She's not you, stupid," came a voice from behind them. Yuki approached the girls, yawning in his casual fit, the kitten in his arms. He looked at Haru's outfit, smiling. "Oh, Kana's clothes look cute on you, Haru."

"Ah- Wait-" His off-hand comment was immediately regretted. "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable..."

Haru waved her hands around, shaking her head. Kana stared at the two of them, oblivious. "Haha, I really got into choosing what to make her wear! My fashion senses were tingling!"

Haru covered her face, repressing the memories from the night before. She typed out her words on her phone, changing the topic.

"I want to make friends with more people."

Kana's eyes lit up. "I'll totally help out! Make sure to always remember me as your first bestie, though!" She stuck her tongue out to Yuki, who rolled his eyes in return.

Haru chuckled. "What's the cat's name?" she asked in text. Yuki lifted the kitten's left arm and pretended to have it introduce itself in a high, shrill voice. "Hello! My name's Kaori, because I smell really nice!"

She laughed, gently petting Kaori's head. Yuki felt almost apprehensive at how close she had gotten, but he softened upon seeing her affectionate gaze. He smiled, letting her pet the now healthy kitten they both found that night.


"It's done!" The chocolates decked out the fridge, filling up almost half the fridge. "Making chocolates for two whole classes is a lot... I didn't think this through at all..." Kana sat down on the couch, plopping her head onto Haru's lap. The midday sun streaked through the curtains of the living room.

"... Thank you, Kana," she whispered into the girl's ear. Kana had already drifted into her dreams. Haru moved her hand to block the sunlight from shining on the girl's face, giggling. How early did the girl awaken for the sole sake of receiving return chocolates?

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