Chapter 15 - The Darkness of the Cave Knows No Bounds

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"... You kids don't get involved. It's none of your business. You don't know anything at all."

Kyoya yelled, pulling him up by his collar. "You...! Don't you feel bad for her? She's your sister!"

Haru froze once more, the sight in front of her familiar. The two girls panicked at the sight. Aoi snickered, "Stay out of it. It's our family business, kid. Back off."

The young boy raised his fist. "Stop!" Haru screamed. Rika and Nami acted, ripping the two boys away from each other.

"We... we don't mean to intrude, not at all," Haru spoke, holding onto Aoi's hand. "But... Kana was crying."

He perked up, eyes widening. Haru continued, "In my arms, she cried, and cried, and cried."

"Even if the result doesn't change... can't she at least be given a chance to prove herself? At this rate, no one's listening to her..."

You can save her. Why aren't you doing anything? I'd kill for a person that would do just that for me. Someone who knew my pain and would fly me away to a true fairytale. A fairytale unmanufactured and pure. Kana can have the real thing, so why doesn't she have it?

"... It's not fair."


Nami slowly let go of Aoi's body, so does Rika with Kyoya as they both calmed down. Aoi kept still, lost in thought. Not one person dared to utter a word.


"Yo! What's going on here? A moment of silence for the end of our fun day at the beach?" Kana waltzed into the scene, heaps of drinks in hand. Yuki was right behind her, clueless if the plan had succeeded or not.

"... Should we draw lots for our test of courage pairing now?" Rika meekly suggested.

Truthfully, none of them was in the mood for it, but Kana was still full of energy, and no one wished to ruin the day for her. They simply hoped that what they managed to say to Aoi was enough. If it wasn't, well, they'd just have to either try again or go straight to Kana's mother. A simple façade for a few more hours couldn't hurt. With new bursts of energy, the night continued.

"Got blue!" Rika put her paper up in the sky to show it off. Kyoya sighed, silently showing his as well, identical to hers. Rika smiled, "Alright, you're with me!"

"Augh, I'm with Aoi...?" Kana groaned.

"Who's red?" Yuki asked. No one responded, even as he surveyed his surroundings. "Pfft, Yuki, are you the one that's alone?" Kana teased. His jaw dropped, looking into the dark, narrow cave. He had to go through it alone? No way...!

Nami turned to Haru, whispering. "... Would you like to switch with me?"

Haru glanced at Nami's paper, bright red in her hand. Oh, so Haru was the one chosen to go alone. Nami's rather considerate to offer a switch. However, she was sure... that Nami had an ulterior motive. Something was strange about Nami's behaviour around Yuki. It was probably better that they had a chance to talk it out instead.

Haru shook her head. "Nami... I don't know why you're so distant with him, but... wouldn't it be better if you take this opportunity to discuss that? You guys haven't had much of a chance to talk to each other alone, so..."

Nami clutched the paper in her hand, sighing. "... Hah, alright then. I don't know what you're talking about, Haru." She showed her paper to everyone, "Sorry, just wanted to mess with you. Red's me."

Yuki turned to her, an expression that wasn't sure whether he was supposed to smile or frown. Regardless, he didn't have to go alone! He jumped in glee, completely uncharacteristic of him to do so.

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