Chapter 9 - The Day of Love Abound!

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Peering the side of the sliding door, the girl scanned her very own classroom, her heart thunderously beating out of her chest. She glanced back to her friends, her eyes almost watering. It was the dawn of the 14th of February, the day of love!

Haru had prepared enough chocolates for all her classmates, but in truth, she only wished to target certain people she'd always wanted to talk to. Should any more friends be obtained outside of her expectations however, she wouldn't mind. Not that she believed it to be possible. Kana flashed her a grin and gave her a thumbs-up as their eyes made contact. Haru gulped, taking her first step into the busy classroom.

She stepped up to the teacher's desk, gently placing the bag of chocolates down. Remember what you practiced with Yuki, Haru... she reminded herself. Gathering up all her courage, she spoke. "Um...!"

No one heard her. Their voices drowned out her soft whisper. She turned to the windows, watching the pair silently cheer her on. She needed to be brave, to go outside her zone of comfort.

"G- good morning everyone!"

Her yell silenced the class. All eyes were on her. Hushed whispers began to circulate. "Holy shit, bro is it the full moon tonight?!" asked a boy to his friend. "It's the 14th, YES!" the other replied instantly, the two of them hopped and high fived each other. She wasn't sure what to make of what she just saw. Haru gulped and continued to speak. "I made... obligatory chocolates for everyone... Please come and take it... if you'd like..."

Soon enough, her classmates came in droves collecting chocolate from her bag. "Thanks, Haru! I'll treasure this like an heirloom! I'm gonna be rich!" said a boy she didn't know the name of. "You-- you don't have to go that far..." she pleaded. Was everyone so shocked that she spoke? Or do people just never get chocolate around here? Haru wasn't aware of the rumours circulating her regarding her voice being a lucky charm. Her classmates must've assumed that items from her were blessed with luck as well. Smiles and laughter echoed in the small classroom, bringing warmth to the girl's face.

She turned to the windows once more, Yuki and Kana smiling. They pointed to the class next to hers and waved goodbye. Haru didn't need any pushes from them anymore.

Her eyes laid on two girls chatting at the back. She's always wanted to befriend them, yet her courage had failed her every time. They were the girls she saw almost every day after school at the library. Handing out the chocolate to them, she greeted them. "Um... this is for the both of you!"

Both their eyes turned to face her, their faces eventually breaking into a smile. "Thank you! Haru, right?" asked the blonde haired girl. "We've seen you around in the library sometimes," chimed the green haired girl.

Haru gasped, she wasn't expecting them to know her. "M- me too! I notice that you guys study a lot together."

They paused and looked at each other, breaking into laughter. The blonde one wiped a tear, "Oh, I wish we were studying."

"Really!? But you guys always looked so engrossed in your reading..."

The green haired one adjusted her glasses, grasping Haru's shoulders. "We just read smut, my child."

Haru's eyes widened. She didn't need to say anything. Her eyes by itself belied her true thoughts. IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY!?

The blonde one kept giggling. "Nami- stop scaring her- pfft–"

The one apparently called Nami rolled her eyes, "She's the one who asked, Rika. It's not my-"

Rika put her hands over Nami's mouth, speaking as if nothing was happening. "Sorry, Haru! We're both obsessed with romance stories, and some of them just so happens to have those scenes in em too. Ouch-" Nami bit Rika's hand, causing her to pull away. Rika kept talking as Nami glared at her. "Uh... just to make it up to you, how about you go with us to watch a movie?"

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