Chapter 19 - A Confession of Pasts, Love and Farewells

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The house turned noisy as six people crowded around in a house originally meant for one person. Kyoya wondered if he made the right decision to invite everyone to his home for something he wanted to say.

Laughter echoed as Kana and Yuki finally seemed to be in a good mood again. Rika and Nami were often mirroring what the others felt, so this small room was an overflowing space of positivity.

Kana cut open slices of strawberry cake for everyone to share. "Dig in, everyone! By courtesy of the future owner of Sato Bakery!"

"Woo! I'm getting stuffed today!" Rika yelled.

"Heh, honoured to get a free cake by the one and only," Nami joked.

Kana looked at Haru, who had been staring at the cake(?) for a while now. She placed the knife down to hand Haru a slice. "Here, Haru! You look like you really wanted it, haha! Take this party as a celebration that your dad's gone too!"

"... Celebration? How could I..." Haru stopped herself from continuing, plastering a smile on immediately. She tugged at her mask, looking at the cake. "I'm... not hungry right now! I'll eat this when I get home, hehe."

Yuki cut in the conversation. "Hey, where's the fun in not eating now? It's a party!" It seemed to be an excuse he was constantly telling himself. She knew he was probably internally screaming for having to eat so much sugar. What a tragic life he must've led to be born in a health-oriented family as a sweet-toothed boy, she joked to herself.

He was beaming. Haru wondered if all his insecurities had been solved that other day. There was no way his smile would look this bright otherwise. His problems were solved so easily, it was unfair. He even kept his problems to himself, like she did.

Oh, I did it again.

Haru pressed the mask against her face, avoiding his gentle eyes. "Sorry... I'm really not hungry..."

Yuki waved his hands around frantically. "Don't apologise! I'm sorry, okay?"

That wasn't what she was apologising for, but he wouldn't know. Yuki saw her expression change slightly, so slight that to the common eye there was no change at all. She was sad.

"Um... Kaori– the kitty we picked up, she really misses you. You should see her again sometime!"

That wasn't a lie, but he mainly said it to make her feel better. Cats have been proven to improve people's moods, his parents told him.

Haru nodded, her expression unchanging.

Just then, Kyoya went to Haru, whispering something in her ear. Yuki watched the girl's face morph into a smile, a slight sting forming in his heart. Kyoya pouted, staring at her speechlessly.

Haru finally addressed the group. "... Kyoya lives here on his own. That sounds fun, right?"

"What!? Can't believe you live alone!" Rika exclaimed. "That's what good author money gets ya, huh..."

Naturally, that was enough to get the conversation started. Haru knew the next person to speak would be the one to roll the snowball down the hill.

"But... why? Where are your parents?" Nami took the bait, her eyes growing concerned.

Haru turned towards him, smiling. He gestured for everyone to sit down around the table. "... Is it okay for me to answer? This might need... what do people call it... a trigger warning...?"

"Warning heard! Now tell us!" Rika answered.

"I left my parents behind on purpose."

Their eyes were drawn to him as he spoke.

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