Chapter 11 - Spring has come!

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He glanced at his phone after sending that picture to Haru. They had just finished all the chocolates they received that day. Yuki and Kana chilled in his bedroom together, resting. He had several hours to himself as he waited for Kana to return home. He had a lot of time to think about his strange realisation.

"..." He sat on the floor in his room, lying against the side of his bed. He fiddled with his fingers, an act he realised he wasn't one to do very often.

"So? What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Kana broke the silence. "I don't think you know this, but you always stare blankly at your hands when you wanna say something. Like a lil kid, haha!" Kana said as she hugged the pillow on his bed, lying on her belly and facing him. Yuki coughed as he adjusted his position on the floor, turning his body a full 180° to face her.

"Is it something important? Maybe about my brother, or Haru, or-" She paused when his body jolted at the mention of Haru's name, furrowing her eyebrows. "Oho, what's going on here? Did you make her upset or something?" She closed in to scan his expression. "You better not have done anything to hurt her, I can throw hands, you know that."

He shook his head, "No! I didn't do anything." He sighed, "Augh, this is why it's hard to discuss anything with you..."

"Hey hey, don't act like you wouldn't do this to me too." Kana giggled, "It's okay, tell me what's up. I won't make fun of you this time, pinky swear." She placed out her pinky.

Yuki pushed her hand away, "We're not kids anymore. It's fine, I'll just... say it."

She stared at him intently, patient and calm. He gulped, pondering how to word his next sentences. "So... I have a friend..."

"No you don't."


"... Okay, so, uh, for some reason, I really like it when she talks to me, and I feel weird when she smiles at me, and I keep wanting to touch her, and she's really cute. It's weird, and I don't know what's going on with me."

Kana's mouth were slightly agape as she processed his words. She pointed at Haru's borrowed book on the table. "You have read romance stories, right?"

He nodded, failing to see the relevance. She bit back her laughter, stumbling over her words. "How- uh- do you feel similarly to any of the characters you read? Like, maybe about their emotions for another person...?"

"You're gonna hafta be more specific, Kana." Yuki rested his face on the bed as she pat his hair. She replied, "This isn't really the kind of thing where I can tell you what you feel. It's better that you figure it out yourself, y'know? Then I can laugh at you."

She abruptly rose from her position, "Aha!"

"How about you talk to her tomorrow? Make sure to really focus on what she makes you feel this time."

He woke up early that day, eager to meet the girl on the way to school. Just like that day, like a magic trick. Yuki ran past corners, huffing for air. He wasn't sure what to even say, another detail he found identical to the other day he was doing this. Every time he attempted to rehearse he felt like it wasn't right at all. He wasn't even sure why he placed so much importance on this. Perhaps due to the implications Kana gave him?

He frantically turned left and right, scanning the area for the one he was searching for. She wasn't there. Was he too late? He rarely ever woke up this early for school. Did she even go to school today?

"Yuki?" came a gentle voice from behind him. He felt a small poke on his back as her finger pressed against him. Butterflies filled his stomach. Instantaneously was the smile brought to his face. She probably never kept track of it, but to him, that was the first time she ever said his name. He never knew how much he longed to hear his name escape her lips. "Peekaboo!" he said, turning around with his hands over his eyes.

She giggled, "You're early today!"

"How was your day yesterday? I-- I already asked yesterday, but-" He kept stammering, his heart racing. Haru smiled, "I loved it!"

She gasped, "Oh!" She took his hand, almost causing him to flinch. "Uh... I already told you about Kyoya, but my new friend Rika... wants to meet you! Is it okay if I introduce you to her today? Kana too."

"I don't mind. Is it okay for her? You know how people see me." He looked down, his hair fluttering over his face. She peaked between the gaps of his hair. "Don't worry, she'll love you. Just like me!"

She smiled. He couldn't see the movement of her lips. He'd never seen her face before, even. But it was enough. She was sparkling. He knew he'd never be able to take his eyes off of her again.

He chuckled, interlocking his fingers with hers. I like you. That was the answer. That was why he was so anxious.

... She wasn't protesting to him holding her hand like that. He wondered if her heart was beating just as fast as his. Yuki gazed into her eyes, knowing that she probably didn't reciprocate. He was just her first friend to her. Did that mean that he was taking advantage of her? If he held her hand, hugged her, played with her hair, that she would've let him do it all, as long as he was her first friend? How far... was the line?

How vile- he punished himself for thinking such impure thoughts. She gripped his fingers tighter. "Yuki?"

"... Say it again," he muttered. How intoxicating her voice was to him.

"Huh?" she appeared confused, loosening her grasp on his hand. He tightened it again, repeating his words in the form of a question. "Can you say... my name again?"

Haru paused and tilted her head, giggling, "Yuki? Hehe."

... I'll try my best. To be the one that makes you smile, to be the one you cherish. I want to protect you and I want to help you shine, to hold this hand for as long as I could. He chuckled again, hesitantly letting her hand go. "Alright, that's enough for today. I have to work hard!" he said, stretching.

"You don't have to work hard just for a friend introduction..." Haru commented. "You might be even worse at this than me..."

He laughed, walking towards school. It was warm, so very warm. Yet, a strange premonition remained rooted at the back of his mind, one that he would be foolish to ignore.

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