Chapter 6 - The Secret Hideout of My Heart

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"Right, Haru!" Kana pat Haru's back. "How did Yuki find you yesterday? I swear the library's like a mini maze!" Haru held her ice cream in one hand, often turning around to pull her mask down in order to eat it. She froze in the middle of her motion, almost forgetting to pull it back up as she turned back around. To be quite honest, Haru wasn't sure how Yuki discovered her hiding spot either.

She entered her secret corner and was shocked to find another human being in there. Usually in occasions such as that she would simply wait for them to leave from a distance, as there's nothing in that space that would warrant a revisit from any soul that came upon it. However, she was noticed instantly that time, so she had no time to fully conceal her presence. She shrugged, looking at Yuki.

He was standing next to their bench, silently staring at his thin wallet. Kana lightly kicked his shin, grabbing his attention. "Oh! Uh, yeah. I'm just great. Observational skills of a hawk. Saw a place that looked comfortable and thought she might've been there, probably..." Kana narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, real convincing. So it was just dumb luck, huh? Dang, was expecting some grand tale." Kana laid her back against Haru's shoulder. "He's real lame, isn't he?" Yuki glared daggers at her, but she pretended to be ignorant just to piss him off even more.

"He's incredible, though."

Kana sat up, her hand covering and uncovering her ears. "Woah, was that your voice?" Yuki tilted his head. "What did she say?" Kana looked back between the two of them, Haru shaking her head desperately. Her voice was so cute! Kana almost said that out loud. She wasn't sure what Haru meant by what she said, but a girl's gotta keep a secret for her fellow girl! She locked eyes with Yuki, a serious gaze in her eyes. "I was hallucinating," she said with a straight face.

Yuki's mouth was left wide agape. His face changed shortly afterwards, taking on a more light-hearted expression. "So it's a secret, huh? Fine, fine." Kana shook her head. "I'm actually going insane right now." Yuki replied instantly, "You know you can drop the bit now, right??? I literally don't care anymore???" As the two had their back and forth, Haru quietly finished her strawberry ice cream. She relished the taste. Meals eaten with others tasted so different.

Her parents often ate outside, leaving her alone at home with store bought food. Every meal was lonely, a task she only did because it was required for her to live. She glanced towards the school building, the window of a classroom catching her eye. A huge group of people surrounded a table, laughing. She didn't know people could have so many friends. Her eyes were affixed to the sight, almost in a trance.

The recess bell rang, signaling the continuation of the school day. Kana complained, "Aw man! I wanna talk with you more..." She scratched her head, deep in thought. "Oh!" Yuki could only sense bad ideas coming out of her mouth. He wondered if he should stop her from saying anything. Kana linked her hands with Haru's.

"Let's have a sleepover! Tonight!" Haru blinked, unsure if she heard correctly. Kana smiled, indicating that she was in fact serious. Blood flushed through her cheeks. She gained 2 friends within 2 days, and now she's getting a sleepover invitation! Things were moving faster than she could've ever expected.

"Ah, you should tell your parents, of course... Can't have them thinking I kidnapped their princess!" Kana added. Haru was sure she could probably do anything she wanted. Not a single person would notice that she wasn't home, anyway. She nodded, the complexion of her face becoming as blushed as the colour of her hair. Kana wrapped her up in her arms, "Yay! Girl's night! We're gonna have so much fun!"

Yuki interrupted Kana's squealing. "Well, if she makes you uncomfortable, I'm right next door to her house. Just message me and I'll bust the door down." Haru nodded, Kana still pressed up against her. She was so very warm. Kana and Yuki were similar in this way.

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