Chapter 32 - Cascading Layers Of Feelings I No Longer Fear

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That very night, the entire friend group gathered in Kana's house to celebrate Haru's newfound phase in her life. The party ended fairly quick, as they could tell Haru wanted to sleep as early as she could. That said, the one that fell asleep first was Kana.

"She was so eager earlier..." Haru commented. Tohru chuckled, "I'll have to carry the princess up to her room now. The two of you can talk down here."

Yuki stopped him. "No, it's okay! I'll bring Kana up. You're too old to carry someone so heavy," he joked. Kana's father laughed. "I won't refuse help from someone sparing my back!"

The man retreated into the kitchen, presumably to wash the mountain of dishes formed by the party. Yuki scooped the girl up into her arms. "Haru, do you want to go up and sleep too?"

His golden eyes were so pretty, and gentle. It cascaded from the gold of the sun to the purple of dusk. She loved how it twinkled beneath the light. She needed to respond, he was waiting for her answer.

She shook her head. "... I'm not sleepy yet."

Yuki chuckled. "Alright, wanna hang in my room? Just tell my parents to let you in, they won't mind."

His room... she'd been in there before. When she wronged him by wishing she had his life instead of her own, tricked him into thinking she was crying for him in his vulnerability when she was crying for herself. It wasn't a place with the best memories tied with it, but it would do. Besides... he already knew how selfish she was.

She nodded. He raised his hand and reached for her hair, but retracted it to focus on carrying Kana. "... Wait for me, alright?"

She watched him disappear up the stairs. "... Okay," she said. A little upset, for some reason.

She wandered aimlessly towards the entrance. It was a strange feeling, leaving the lit-up room heading to the darkness outside. Even though she had finally let go of the bond that held her behind, even though she was finally beginning to move forward.

Was freedom always like this? An infinite sky in which she could soar, higher than anyone else. The feeling left her intoxicated, but only for a moment. She had reached the upper sky, the limits of which she didn't know. That terrified her.

What could she do?

Where would she go?

Her hand brushed the silhouette of the hand-held mirror protruding in her pocket.

... And if she looked in the mirror, who would she see?

On her way out, Kyoya caught her outside. He hadn't left yet. "Haru, you're not gonna sleep yet?"

"Kyo, you're still here?" Haru asked. Kyoya tousled her hair. "Yeah, haven't gotten around to giving Yuki his punishment yet." Oh, from the game they played earlier. Was it so important that he was willing to wait...? Kyoya was more petty and particular than she thought.

"He'll be out soon! We were going to talk in his room later. Don't bully him too much..." Haru joked. Kyoya tilted his head. "You're going to his room? Alone?"

"... Yes?"

Kyoya looked at her for a while, his gaze almost disappointed. He sighed. "He's a boy, shouldn't you be more careful?"

"Hehe, I'm talking to you alone at night too," Haru responded. Kyoya messed with her hair even more, leaving it a disheveled mess. "Not the same, stupid!"

At times like these, Kyoya was like a mother hen. Haru wasn't sure how to describe the feeling properly. All she knew was that Rika was rubbing off on him. Their first meeting to this moment wasn't a development she would've ever expected in the past.

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