Friday 😍

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there's gonna be some angst in future chapters
Ralph's POV:

I'm standing outside Henry's gate, waiting for him to hurry up so we can walk to school together. Henry's coming to mine after school today and mum said she'll set up the mattress for him in my room when she gets back home from work. she won't let me do it myself. she's been so busy with work and hasn't given herself a rest. I hope she's okay. I'm getting worried about her. "OH SHUT IT WORM!" I look towards the voice as a door slamming makes me jump. Henry storms out and puts his head on my shoulder harshly. "bad morning?" I wrap my arms around his neck for a hug. he huffs and nods before wrapping his arms around my waist. Henry hardly ever hugs anyone so this is kinda odd. "are you alright?" I squeeze him before he let's me go. "no. that worm got me in trouble again. I didn't even do anything!" he wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt and yawns. Peter walks out and leads the way to school, waving to me and completely ignoring Henry. to cheer Henry up we talk about what we want to do at the sleepover. "can we watch Rapper Zapper together?!" he smiles widely. he's liked that show for years now! it's amazing how he can like something for that long. I love listening to him talk about anything. I find it adorable how he can talk about anything in the world, good or bad, and not get bored.

we reach the school gates and he waves goodbye to Peter and we continue talking about what else we wanna do as we go to class.

no ones POV:

at morning tea Henry and Ralph sit with Margaret and Susan. as the girlfriends were talking Ralph noticed Henry was more quiet. "Henry, are you okay? you're very quiet" Ralph whispered, running his hand over Henry's fingers. "I'm annoyed and tired" he whispered back, grabbing hold of Ralph's hand and resting his forehead on Ralph's shoulder. "Susan shush!" Margaret put her hand on Susan's mouth. "awww" Susan muffled out. Margaret took her hand off Susan's mouth and gave her a kiss on the cheek as a sorry. "is Henry actually being clingyyyy??!!" Margaret squealed. Susan joined in squealing. "not the time guys" Ralph stroked Henry's hair with his free hand. "aww what's wrong Henry?" Susan asked. Henry just buried his head into Ralph's shoulder more. "he had a bad morning" Ralph pulled Henry in for a hug. "poor Henry" Margaret pouted. Henry went up and whispered in Ralph's ear. "I don't like the attention" Ralph nodded and started talking about something and the girls followed on with him.

after a long day of school Henry was ready to go to Ralph's. he perked up as soon as school was over and they waited for Ralph's mum to pick them up. Peter ran to them crying and latched himself onto Henry. Henry put his arms around Peter, shocked. he looked at Ralph and he shrugged. "are you okay Peter?" Henry said after a few seconds of silence. "n-no! they called me a wimpy crybaby b-because they were shouting too loud and it hurt my ears" Peter sobbed. Henry sighed and picked Peter up for a hug. he let Peter cry into his shoulder and Ralph tried to cheer Peter up a bit until his mum arrived. Peter had calmed down a little, still latching onto Henry and not letting go. "mum do you think you could drop Peter off?" Ralph asked as he opened the car door and sat in the front then giving his mum a hug. "of course! is he okay?" she looked back at Henry struggling to get in with Peter not letting go. "Peter got called a wimpy crybaby by some guys" Ralph said. Ralph's mum hoped out and went over to Peter. "hey buddy" she crouched down and said gently. Peter latched even more onto Henry and looked at her. "can you let go of Henry for a second so you guys can hop in?" she tilts her head slightly. Peter shakes his head and buries his face into Henry's top. Henry pats his back a little and sighs. "Peter? was it?" she smiled and Peter looked at her and nodded. "come here Peter" she opened her arms slightly and Peter looked up at Henry then hesitantly went into her arms. she gave Peter one of the most coziest, safest, and comforting hugs he's ever gotten. (I think her hugs would be the best) he calms down completely and she picks him up and puts him in the car. Henry gets in too.

they dropped off Peter and Ralph's mum told Henry's mum what happened, they had coffee while Henry packs his things then left

"make sure you boys actually get some sleep tonight" Ralph's mum says as they pull into her driveway. "we will miss" Henry says as Ralph leads the way to his room. "please call me Ophelia" she smiles sweetly (I couldn't find anything abt what her name was so please tell me if yk her name) Henry nods and waves as he disappears out of her view.

Horrid Henry x Rude RalphWhere stories live. Discover now